OHP Dental Awareness Campaign
The Oregon Health Plan (OHP) covers annual cleanings, x-rays, fillings, and other services that keep your teeth healthy. Yet many OHP members do not know they have dental coverage. Working with coordinated care organizations and partners, we have developed a toolkit to help raise awareness about OHP's dental coverage.
Please use the images, materials, and messaging below to help spread the word.
Dental Materials
Messages to Share
Key messages
English: Oregon Health Plan members have dental coverage. |
Spanish: Los miembros del Plan de Salud de Oregon cuentan con cobertura dental.
English: The Oregon Health Plan (OHP) covers annual cleanings, x-rays, fillings, and other services that keep your teeth healthy. |Spanish: El Plan de Salud de Oregon cubre limpiezas anuales, radiografías, y otros servicios de rutina que mantienen a tus dientes saludables.
English: Healthy teeth are important at any age. |
Spanish: Es importante tener dientes saludables a cualquier edad.
- Have you had your teeth cleaned this year? |
Spanish: ¿Te hans realizado una limpieza dental este año?
English: See your dentist once a year. |
Spanish: Vista a tu dentista por lo menos una vez al año.
English: Healthy teeth keep your heart and body healthy, too. |
Spanish: Dientes sanos, corazón contento. El cuidar de tu salud bucal ayudará a que todo tu cuerpo este saludable.
English: When you're pregnant, keeping your teeth and gums healthy can protect your baby's health. |
Spanish: Cuando estás embarazada, el mantener tus dientes y encías saludables puede proteger la salud de tu bebé.
English: Fixing dental problems can help you control your blood sugar. |
Spanish: Resolver tus problemas dentales puede ayudarte a controlar tus niveles de azúcar en la sangre.
English: Children should have their first dental check-up by age 1. |
Spanish: Los niños deben tener su primera consulta dental al cumplir 1 año de edad.
Sample posts and tweets
Visiting the dentist once a year to take care of your teeth can help prevent pain. All Oregon Health Plan members have dental coverage. Don’t wait until you have a problem to get dental care! Make an appointment with your dentist. If you don't have a dentist, call [CCO number] or visit [CCO website].
- You should see a dentist once a year. All Oregon Health Plan members have dental coverage. OHP covers annual cleanings, x-rays, fillings, and other services to keep your teeth healthy.
- Healthy teeth can help your heart and body stay healthy, too. OHP covers annual cleanings, x-rays, fillings, and other services that keep your teeth healthy. You should see your dentist every year.
- Did you know that all Oregon Health Plan members have dental coverage? Call [CCO number] or visit [CCO website] to find a dentist and schedule a check up.
Key messaging in other languages
Translated messages in Russian, Vietnamese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese: