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Oregon Health Authority

Board of Direct Entry Midwifery - Disciplinary Actions


The Board and HLO have jurisdiction over Oregon licensed Direct Entry Midwives. Jurisdiction does not extend to Certified Nurse Midwives or birth centers. Certified Nurse Midwives and birth centers are governed by different laws than those that apply to Direct Entry Midwives. If you have a complaint against a Direct Entry Midwife, then you can file a complaint with HLO here. If you have a complaint against a Certified Nurse Midwife, please contact the Oregon State Board of Nursing Board ( If you have a complaint against a birth center, please contact the Health Care Regulation and Quality Improvement office in the Oregon Health Authority's Public Health Division (follow the instructions for filing a complaint against a health care facility).

Notice of Intent and Final Orders

HLO investigations result from a variety of sources, including complaints against licensees by consumers, complaints by licensed professionals and violations found during the course of HLO investigations. When, based on an investigation, it is determined that allegations are substantiated, a Notice of Intent (NOI) and Notice of Right to Request a Hearing will be sent to the licensee. The NOI includes the violation(s), proposed disciplinary action and the rights of the licensee. Proposed discipline is just that — what HLO proposes as discipline to address alleged violations based on the evidence and the specific related state law and/or administrative rule at the time the NOI is issued.

Final Orders are disciplinary actions that have resulted in a final penalty, or settlement, against a licensee. The alleged violations in the NOI are not always the violations found in the final order. This is because there are various hearing processes, and sometimes appeal processes, between the NOI and the final order. For instance, additional evidence may be discovered prior to the hearing or allegations may be negotiated during settlement discussions. The final orders under "Disciplinary Actions" below contain the final found violations.

More information on regulatory complaints and compliance is available.

Access HLO's License Inquiry to find the licensing status on individual licensees and licenses.

Disciplinary Actions

If you have questions regarding a particular disciplinary case or licensee, email the HLO's Regulatory Operations Division.