Demographic Characteristics by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 1993-1995
State Total
Demographics of Mother 10-17 <15 15 16 17 18 19
Total Births 6029 304 841 1771 3113 4460 5581
Ethnicity/Race White 4311 164 548 1258 2341 3447 4303
Hispanic (All Races) 1114 94 190 324 506 657 842
African American 347 27 59 119 142 181 209
American Indian 171 13 31 47 80 100 120
Other Nonwhite 85 6 13 23 43 73 105
Unknown 1

1 2 2
Marital Status Unmarried 5200 288 805 1575 2532 3257 3420
Married 828 16 36 195 581 1203 2158
Education 8th Grade or Less 1115 232 269 289 325 385 410
9th Grade 1273 55 393 444 381 351 337
10th Grade 1658 4 140 691 823 656 589
11th Grade 1126
14 190 922 1045 898
12th Grade 685

108 577 1781 2745
Some College 14

14 140 489
Unknown 158 13 25 49 71 102 113
Pregnancy Order One 4832 284 753 1482 2313 2991 3216
Two 983 17 81 242 643 1052 1578
Three 163 3 3 40 117 312 560
Four+ 49
4 6 39 103 225
Unknown 2

1 1 2 2
Start of Prenatal Care 1st Trimester 3545 139 455 1081 1870 2860 3743
2nd Trimester 1934 113 275 549 997 1256 1445
3rd Trimester 420 36 82 109 193 278 314
No Care 102 15 25 26 36 52 52
Unknown 28 1 4 6 17 14 27
Prenatal Care Inadequate Care 699 63 141 187 308 433 479
Adequate Care 5297 240 694 1576 2787 4011 5072
Unknown 33 1 6 8 18 16 30
Source of Payment Private Insurance 1392 61 184 425 722 955 1256
Self-Pay 365 19 58 118 170 223 307
Public Insurance 3981 213 555 1148 2065 3077 3767
Other Coverage 82 6 15 18 43 45 55
Unknown Mention 109 3 9 33 64 84 103
Multiple Mention 100 2 20 29 49 76 93