13:08:47 From BBonser : I am here 13:09:05 From BBonser : yes 13:15:23 From The Doctor in Pink : I am here and approve. I am sorry, I called in but wasn’t in the zoom so it wouldn’t let me talk. 13:15:40 From The Doctor in Pink : This is Tara Sanderson. 13:15:46 From Jen Allen (she-her) to The Doctor in Pink(direct message) : What is your name? haha. THanks Tara! 13:16:02 From Vitalis Ogbeama- OHA : Thank you Tara 13:16:05 From Jen Allen (she-her) : Caryn, Tara Sanderson is here 13:31:51 From Tim Nesbitt (he/him) OHA-Oregon : https://cobhc.org/ 13:36:42 From Tim Nesbitt (he/him) OHA-Oregon : Behavioral Health Workforce Clinical Supervision Grant by OHA 13:40:44 From Heather Ficht, EC Works (she/her) : the slides are in your materials 14:17:25 From Heather DeSart (she/her) : https://youtu.be/k7wGYZNY2YM 14:27:24 From Kim Parker-Llerenas, Willamette Workforce Partnership : https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Willamette+Workforce+Partnership 14:30:09 From Heather Ficht, EC Works (she/her) : we could also specialize locally and share staewide 14:33:24 From Lucy Mendoza : I do agree with funding being a issue. 14:39:21 From Jenn Inman : Vitalis - could you lean into your microphone a bit? 14:40:15 From Lindy Bonser : When are the trainings for diagnosis and charting 14:41:27 From Heather Ficht, EC Works (she/her) : @Lindy - we offer them annually starting this year. i am sure Adam can invite you in the future if you are interested. Adam@ecworks.org 14:46:32 From Lindy Bonser : ❤️❤️@adam 14:47:04 From Lindy Bonser : ❤️❤️❤️ 14:49:24 From Adam Dickey - (He/Him) - Director COBHC : @shyra, can you share that document - I would love to share it to our Regional Supervision training Committee! 14:49:28 From Beth Cooke (she/her), New Narrative : Yes! We only have an intern supervisor for 8 hours a week currently... 14:52:16 From ShyraMerila : Yes I can! It is in draft form but I will send you the finalized policy when I complete it!! 14:55:23 From Tim Nesbitt (he/him) OHA-Oregon : I strongly encourage our workgroup members to take in and consider the early high school outreach and/or CTE education programs when thinking about what programs OHA should fund/create/expand. 14:55:36 From Tim Nesbitt (he/him) OHA-Oregon : Also clinical supervision! 14:55:41 From Heather Ficht, EC Works (she/her) : this has been such a wonderful opportunity to meet with all of you. i have a hard stop at 3pm so will have to hop off then. If you have any questions or follow up please feel free to reach out - heather@ecworks.org 14:55:42 From Melissa Yates (she/her)- OHA : For those interested in learning about the HOWTO grant program, we’ve got more details at https://www.oregon.gov/oha/HPA/HP-PCO/Pages/howto-grant-program.aspx 14:55:54 From Cheryl Cohen : Thank you Kim, Heather, and Heather! 14:56:07 From Heather Ficht, EC Works (she/her) : thank you Cheryl!!! 14:56:08 From Melissa Yates (she/her)- OHA : We are anticipating our next round of Requests for Grant Proposals to go live in Sept 2024 with $9 million to award. If you would like to be put on our contact list for updates, please reach out to us at HOWTO.grant.program@odhsoha.oregon.gov 14:56:11 From Kim Parker-Llerenas, Willamette Workforce Partnership : Thank you for the opportunity! There's great work going on in our communities! 14:56:16 From Heather Ficht, EC Works (she/her) : ❤️ 14:56:19 From Heather DeSart (she/her) : Thank you for the opportunity to share our work! 14:56:58 From Lucy Mendoza : Thank you! 14:57:07 From ShyraMerila : Thanks for your work and your time! 14:57:50 From Kelli Bosak (she/her) - Three Rivers Health Center : Thank you workforce boards!! Inspiring and appreciated.