13:30:15 From Anthony Cordaro : apologies for being late - clinical matter came up. just letting all know I am here now. 13:30:31 From Jen Allen (she-her) : Welcome Anthony 13:34:46 From Jen Allen (she-her) : Cheryl you're not alone in this! I've read this HB several times and only just recently, thanks to Tim, realized the unique opportunities we've been given for these two (initial and final) report. 13:42:07 From Cheryl Cohen (she/her) : brb 13:42:14 From Daniel Page : For the record, Lindy Bonser has arrived. Welcome Lindy 13:43:00 From Vitalis Ogbeama- OHA : Welcome Lindy 13:43:20 From Cheryl Cohen (she/her) : back 13:47:11 From lindy bonser : I was having issues with zoom 13:47:59 From Vitalis Ogbeama- OHA : Sorry about that, glad you are here 13:51:05 From Tim Nesbitt (he/him) : COA- Certificate of Approval 13:52:24 From Tim Nesbitt (he/him) : MHACBO-Mental Health and Addiction Counselor Board of Oregon https://www.mhacbo.org/en/ 13:54:14 From lindy bonser : what is that organization 13:54:35 From Tim Nesbitt (he/him) : Stronger Oregon 14:04:54 From Tim Nesbitt (he/him) : We will take our break at 2:10, thanks everyone! 14:09:21 From Tim Nesbitt (he/him) : MOTs-Measures and Outcomes Tracking System 14:35:30 From Chris Bouneff, NAMI OR : I would be careful about saying those folks are getting access. Trying to find routine outpatient treatment that will prevent you from ever needing safety net services in the first place is difficult, often meaning a wait of week and months. 14:36:13 From David Geels : Chris - you are right- there is a fine line between the 2 14:36:13 From Deanna Cor (they/she) : Second that, Chris. People who seek private practitioners may not only be worried well. Seeking my own therapists have taken months and I know how to access the services 14:38:33 From Tim Nesbitt (he/him) : Are there private practice clinicians that want to see clients with higher acuity but cannot because their employer does not offer wrap around services like those that exist in a CMHP? 14:38:45 From Clark Hazel (they/he) : Yes! 14:39:14 From Deanna Cor (they/she) : Definitely 14:39:16 From Tim Nesbitt (he/him) : 👏🏼 14:39:35 From Clark Hazel (they/he) : There are a lot of barriers to seeing folks with certain diagnoses or acuity level 14:40:23 From Clark Hazel (they/he) : Due to not having the crises response or care management or ability to provide care management at the same level of a CCMH 14:40:27 From Tim Nesbitt (he/him) : I experienced similar at a group private practice after moving from working for a rural CMHP. Thank you 14:40:49 From Tim Nesbitt (he/him) : Exactly Clark! 14:40:59 From lindy bonser : I 100000000000000000% agree with student loans 14:41:11 From Clark Hazel (they/he) : Exactly, clinicians want to but owners won’t add the support or we can’t get reimbursed for that time 14:48:41 From Deanna Cor (they/she) : Yes, thank you. I feel concerned anytime we enter into an either/or binary situation. We need community mental health and private practitioners 14:49:26 From Jenn Inman : agree Deanna - and what we've inadvertently created is private practice at the direct cost of CMHP care 14:50:29 From Deanna Cor (they/she) : Agree, too! I am excited to create some recommendations. I feel for my graduates but also recognize what is lost by missing out on CMHP experience, too 14:53:48 From Clark Hazel (they/he) : Well said 14:53:51 From Deanna Cor (they/she) : So well said!! 14:54:00 From Anthony Cordaro : Agree!!! well said! 14:54:11 From Vitalis Ogbeama- OHA : Thank Jenn, I missed to thank you on your prior comments 14:55:00 From Tim Nesbitt (he/him) : Can educational institutions have a better connection (or vice versa) with CMHPs for internships to gain experience in things like mobile crisis (ride alongs) or being acquainted with ACT programs? 14:55:34 From Deanna Cor (they/she) : Absolutely. But student interns have reported the same issues you all have named and they aren’t being paid at all. Paid internships would go a long, long way 14:56:03 From Clark Hazel (they/he) : It’s very hard to get a paid internship in an MSW program and very competitive 14:56:31 From Deanna Cor (they/she) : And they don’t exist for LPC programs. We are working to secure funding as a program but from who? Comes back to money 14:56:35 From Tim Nesbitt (he/him) : Is that something OHA could help with? Funding internships for CMHPs? 14:56:47 From Tim Nesbitt (he/him) : Or would that help? rather 14:56:53 From ShyraMerila : We pay our interns 14:57:12 From Tim Nesbitt (he/him) : 👏🏼 14:57:15 From Deanna Cor (they/she) : Yes yes yes! My students are looking for *training*. Not just giving labor. They want to learn and have great supervision. If they get that plus funding- huge 14:57:20 From Dr. Tara Sanderson (she/her) : Paying for student internships across the boards would be fantastic - @Tim 14:57:43 From Kelli Bosak LCSW (she/her) : So well said, Jenn. 👏 14:58:03 From Clark Hazel (they/he) : Thank you for presenting, David! 14:58:10 From Jenn Inman : Thank you DAVID! 14:58:14 From Cheryl Cohen (she/her) : David, can we share your presentation with others? 14:58:47 From David Geels : please feel free to share Cherly 15:00:42 From Melinda Del Rio (she/her/ella) : Mainly mentioned fee for service since different non-profit programs still bill medicaid and that’s how they get most of their funding. With some grant funding if they have it. With outpatient & residential programs