This page utilizes an accordion webpart that is populated with entries from a list in the backend. This can be useful for things like FAQs, Goals and Objectives, and Project Phases.
You can access that list that drive the webpart here: [insert list link here]
Tips for Accordions:
- Your list has columns for Title, Content, Sort Order, and View.
- Title: This is what will be within the accordion box prior to expanding it.
- Content: This is the content that will show when you expand the accordion. You can use images, links, and advanced text editing in these boxes.
- Sort Order: Start with 00, 01, 02... etc. This will control the order they are displayed on the page with 00 being at the top.
- View: You can use one accordion list for many different pages by entering a keyword for each item and then creating views based on those keywords.
- Your accordion webpart is set to H2 for the title of each accordion. If you need to make an accordion sub to another H2 on the page, you will need to edit the webpart to set the header level to H3.
[Insert Accordion Webpart Here]
The transportation system will improve safety for users of all modes of transportation and be a public resource that supports public health in the community.
- Transportation improvement projects and transportation management decisions shall be evaluated to reduce risk to the traveling public, and improvement projects and management decisions shall strive to enhance safety for the traveling public.
The transportation system shall enhance economic development and vitality within the City of Medford and throughout the Region.
- Provide transportation options that support existing and planned land uses, consistent with the City’s Comprehensive Plan.
- Maintain and improve the efficiency of the movement of freight and goods by ground, rail, air, pipeline, and transmission infrastructure.
- Increase resilience of the local freight and logistics network to natural disasters.
Design and construct transportation facilities to enhance the livability of the City's neighborhoods and business centers.
- The City will balance transportation system objectives to improve mobility against objectives to avoid disruption of existing neighborhoods and nonresidential districts and minimize impacts to individual properties.
Achieve connectivity appropriate for planned land uses in the area for all modes which is well connected to the regional system.
- The City of Medford will strive to develop and maintain a well-connected transportation system for all modes and users.
Optimize funding resources so that transportation investments are fiscally sound and economically sustainable.
- Systematically and regularly plan and predict the need for the acquisition of needed public right-of-way in order to implement the adopted Functional Classification Map.
- Support the development of stable and flexible transportation financing that provides adequate funding sources for Medford’s transportation system while supporting the Transportation System Plan’s economic development goal.
Reduce environmental impacts from transportation.
- Reduce environmental impacts of the transportation infrastructure.
- Adopt policies designed to reduce per capita Vehicle Miles Traveled, reliance on Single Occupant Vehicle trips, and roadway congestion.
- Reduce emissions of atmospheric pollutants including greenhouse gas emissions and particulate matter.