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Statewide Toll Rulemaking Advisory Committee

At the direction of Governor Kotek in March 2024, we have stopped building the Oregon Toll Program and are working with our legislative partners to identify sustainable funding solutions to improve our state's roads, bridges and multimodal transportation system.

Tolling remains a critical component of funding the Interstate Bridge Replacement Program, and toll collection will be transferred to the Washington State Department of Transportation.


Committee delivers final recommendations for toll rules

ODOT created a rulemaking advisory committee to ensure that the voice of the customer was heard during the rulemaking process. The Statewide Toll Rulemaking Advisory Committee (STRAC) consisted of nearly 20 members from across the state, providing a diverse and balanced membership focused on those who used or were impacted by the toll program. Committee members served for 11 months.  

The STRAC provided input on the following topics, among others:

  • Customer accounts
  • Toll transactions and due date
  • Civil penalties and administrative fees
  • Dispute provisions
  • Low-income discounts
  • Vehicle rates and exemptions
  • Rate setting and adjustment

The committee helped develop Oregon Administrative Rules that determine how customers interact with and use the system and how toll rates are set up and adjusted. These rules will apply to planned toll projects in the Portland Metro area, as well as any future projects in the state. The rules and rates will be approved by the Oregon Transportation Commission. 

STRAC MemberOrganization
Elizabeth Mazzara Myers Westside Economic Alliance
Jeff SpiegelPenske Truck Leasing 
Lanny Gower XPO Logistics 
Lauren PoorOregon Farm Bureau
Marc Ortega Kilman-Burman Global Medical Response (GMR) 
Marie DoddsAAA Oregon/Idaho
Michael Card Combined Transport Inc. 
Nafisa FaiRegion Toll Advisory Committee (RTAC) Washington County Commission
Omar CruzMay Trucking
Park WoodworthRide Connection
Philip WuEquity and Mobility Advisory Committee (EMAC) 
Sean PhilbrookIdentity Clark County 
Shannen KnightA Sight for Sport Eyes
Sharla MoffettOregon Business and Industry 
Shatrine KrakeWest Linn Chamber

STRAC Member Biographies

ODOT hosted nine STRAC meetings in 2023. View past meeting recordings and materials here.

Community Engagement
To better understand the customer perspective, ODOT collaborated with organizations and agencies across the state to gather feedback and insights. In addition to STRAC meetings and input, we heard from nearly 5,000 people, including 22 community organizations, 88 community discussion group participants, and 79 trucking representatives. Review more about the rulemaking engagement process in the 2023 report here and the recommendations for the low-income toll program here​

Next Steps
In early 2024, ODOT will review the draft rules with the Department of Justice and publish the rules on the Secretary of State's website. After publishing the rules, ODOT will hold a public comment period and public hearing in 2024. ODOT plans to bring the rules to the Oregon Transportation Commission for their adoption in mid-2024. Stay tuned for more information at​