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On January 21, 2021, the Oregon Transportation Commission approved $255 million of funding to Public and Active Transportation Program (formally Non-Highway Program) in the 2024-2027 STIP. The Public and Active Transportation Program includes a variety of sub-programs for public transportation services and capital projects, pedestrian and bicycle projects, SRTS education and infrastructure and Transportation Options programs.
A total of $55 million was allocated for pedestrian and bicycle projects and SRTS infrastructure projects that will address the areas of most need on the state system. The Pedestrian and Bicycle Strategic sub-allocation is $45 million in federal funding dedicated to address critical gaps in the state system for walking and biking. The ODOT SRTS infrastructure sub-allocation is $10 million in federal funding to help reduce pedestrian and bicycle network gaps with a 1 mile radius of a school. Since ODOT has set aside this targeted allocation for projects near schools, the agency has chosen not to apply for grants through the HB 2017 SRTS completive process during the 2024-2027 STIP cycle.
The Pedestrian and Bicycle Strategic and ODOT SRTS infrastructure program sub-allocation may be used fro projects on the state system beginning in 2024. The Public Transportation Division is preparing to compile needs lists, identify possible projects, develop design approaches and cost estimates, and prioritize the scoped projects for inclusion in the 2024-2027 STIP. The other sub-allocations are for completive local grants, programs that promote public and active transportation, and transit improvements that will use existing program structures.