Strategic Action Plan Progress Report
Reduce Congestion in the Portland Region
2024-2028 Strategic Actions
2026 - Advance design and secure funding for construction of the I-5 Rose Quarter Improvements Project to provide smoother traffic flows, reduce crashes and enhance safety with ramp-to-ramp connections, and improve access for people walking, rolling and using transit.
2026 - Advance bridge tolling on the Interstate Bridge Replacement Program to provide revenue to modernize infrastructure, manage congestion, and support multimodal options.
2028 - Explore additional opportunities to expand bus on shoulder use in partnership with regional transit agencies and make additional state highway shoulder segments ready for bus on shoulder operations.
2028 - Actively participate in regional high-capacity transit project development.
Efforts Underway
Strategic Action Plan
- Finalized grant agreement (October 2024) with USDOT for Project's Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods $450 million grant award.
- Working to adopt Concept of Operations for I-205 Clackamas County BOS corridor.
- Completed: TriMet "A Better Red" project (construction of a second track and new station for inbound Max Red Line riders entering Gateway Transit Center).
Other Ongoing Efforts
- Improving TripCheck, our state travel information website.
- Employing ramp meters to smooth traffic flow and reduce congestion from merging.
- Deploying Incident Response Program to effectively manage unexpected events causing delays like crashes, weather and vehicle breakdowns.
Strategic Action Plan Progress Report
Improve Access to Active and Public Transportation
2024-2028 Strategic Actions
Annual - Continue to improve accessibility for people experiencing disabilities within the pedestrian network, fulfilling ADA commitments focused on curb ramps.
2025 - Evaluate investments made and refine and streamline grants and programs to prioritize investments that advance climate, vehicle miles traveled reduction, equity and safety outcomes (focusing on vulnerable users).
2026 - Enhance trip planning tools to better connect travelers from origin to destination using multiple modes and integrate payment systems where feasible.
2028 - Define the multimodal network and establish priority corridors as part of the Oregon Highway Plan, to increase connectivity and access to key destinations, and integrate these corridors into investment decisions.
Efforts Underway
Strategic Action Plan
- Working to correct over 10% of non-compliant curb ramps planned annually.
- Survey of ODOT grant managers to collect climate, equity and safety data to inform an opportunities memo.
- Working with neighbor states on new software that will imrpove transit services.
Other Ongoing Efforts
- Developing pedestrian and off-street path networks, including addressing missing sidewalks, curb ramps, and accessible pedestrian signals on road crossings.
- Prioritizing safety, equity and addressing climate change in all the work we do, with a focus on the systems’ most vulnerable users (pedestrians and cyclists).