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Safe Driving

There is strong evidence, in Oregon and in other states that laws and enforcement efforts are only successful if they are effectively and continuously publicized, and in conjunction with highly visible enforcement efforts when available. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), public information programs should be comprehensive, seasonally focused, and sustained. 

Since 1982, the Transportation Safety Office has been carrying out comprehensive traffic safety public education campaigns.  Research has been utilized to evaluate the success of each campaign and to assist with targeting safety messages. Surveys of Oregon's driving population have shown that these ODOT - Transportation Safety Office public information programs and efforts are widely recognized.

Safe Driving Topic Areas

Older Road Users

Drowsy Driving

Safe Following Distance

Lights and Swipes

Red Light Running

Oregon Friendly Driver Course

Whether you’re a business owner, driver’s ed instructor, transportation safety advocate, parent of a new driver, or even a solo driver who just wants to keep their community safe, the Oregon Friendly Driver Course is for you! There are many course options specifically designed to make the road network a safer experience for all users, especially those most vulnerable on bike and foot. Best of all it’s free!

Oregon Friendly Driver Brochure

Visit the Oregon Friendly Driver Course website for more information.

For people who have a State of Oregon Workday account -
Oregon Friendly Driver Course on Workday

*Please note that the Oregon Friendly Driver Course does not qualify as an ODOT-Approved Teen Driver Education Course. 

For information and a list of teen driver education course providers, please visit the Transportation Safety Office Driver Education Parent-Teen Resources webpage.


Walter McAllister
Program Manager

DMV - Transportation Safety Office
1905 Lana Avenue NE
Salem, OR 97314