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Red Light Running

Red Light Running is another significant cause of serious injury crashes in Oregon. Importantly, red light running is also a significant cause of debilitating brain injury and death crashes. It is essential that every driver in Oregon heed the warning to Stop on Red. Rear end collisions often cause death and injury due to speed, they are the most common collisions for all crashes, but fatal, at 30%. 'Failed to avoid stopped or parked vehicle ahead' was the number one driver error in 2020. Following too close crashes rate 9th in the most common driver errors in Oregon for 2020. Distractions contribute as a variable in the severity of these type of crashes. ORS 811.265 Driver failure to obey traffic control device.

Red Light Running Media

Media graphic of a red light signal - Text reads, STOP deadly crashes. Always stop on red.

TV Public Service Announcements

"Never Worth It" TV PSA - 15 seconds - YouTube video
"Never Worth It" TV PSA - 30 seconds - YouTube video



Walter McAllister
Safe Driving Program Analyst

DMV - Transportation Safety Office
1905 Lana Avenue NE
Salem, OR 97314