Committee Membership Opportunities
Do you care about keeping Oregon’s roads and highways safe for drivers, motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians? Now is your chance to help us make a difference!
ODOT is looking for safety-minded people to join one of the three statewide transportation safety committees. Links to the Workday applications for the Governor's Advisory Committees and the Oregon Transportation Safety Committee can be found below:
Membership application for Governor's Advisory Committee on Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants (GAC-DUII)
Membership application for Governor's Advisory Committee on Motorcycle Safety (GAC-MS)
Membership application for Oregon Transportation Safety Committee (OTSC)
The members of the Governor's Advisory Committees and the Oregon Transportation Safety Committee serve under Executive Order of the Governor or by statute. The committees advise the state on a variety of transportation safety issues.
Governor's Advisory Committee Webpage Links