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Impaired Driving

The goal of the Impaired Driving Program is to reduce drunk and drugged driving through education, law enforcement and public outreach.

DUII Laws (ORS Chapter 813)

Alcoholic Liquors Generally (ORS Chapter 471)

​The Oregon Drug Evaluation and Classification Program, is managed and coordinated by the Oregon State Police Patrol Services Division and has been since the inception of the program in 1995. Oregon is one of 46 states, including the District of Columbia, participating in the program. The DEC Program is under the national guidance and direction of the International Association of Chief’s of Police and is supported by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.   

Spanish Language Billboard

Impaired driving billboard - Los amigos se cuidan unos a otros.
Los amigos se cuidan unos a otros 2048 x 1149​ - jpg

Spanish Language Media Articles

Conducir bajo la influencia de alcohol/drogas trae consecuencias graves - KUNP-TV - Unavision Portland

Spanish Language Videos

Recuerde, si manja tomado, será arresto - 15 second TV PSA 1 - Univision Portland - Vimeo
Recuerde, si manja tomado, será arresto​​ - 15 second TV PSA 2 - Univision Portland - Vimeo



Ryan Stone
Impaired Driving Program Analyst
Phone: 971-345-7141

DMV - Transportation Safety Office
1905 Lana Avenue NE
Salem, OR 97314

Good Human PSA

Drive Sober Save Lives
In Your Hands PSA

En Sus Manos ThumbnailEn Sus Manos PSA

How Many Drinks Do You Have in a Week? - Rethink the Drink BannerRethink the Drink webpage

Dangers of DUII PSA thumbnail imageNew Driver - Dangers of Alcohol PSA

Impaired Driving - 
Shared Future Coalition webpage