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Governor's Advisory Committee on DUII
GAC on DUII meeting webpageGAC DUII Impaired Driving Strategic Plan - June 2024
2023 Oregon Impaired Driving Program Assessment
2023 Oregon Impaired Driving Program Assessment
Oregon Impaired Driving Laws
DUII Laws (ORS Chapter 813)
Alcoholic Liquors Generally (ORS Chapter 471)
Oregon Drug Evaluation and Classification Program
The Oregon Drug Evaluation and Classification Program, is managed and coordinated by the Oregon State Police Patrol Services Division and has been since the inception of the program in 1995. Oregon is one of 46 states, including the District of Columbia, participating in the program. The DEC Program is under the national guidance and direction of the International Association of Chief’s of Police and is supported by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Impaired Driving Media Toolkit - English
Friends look out for each other. Have a plan. Drive sober.
Drinking? Have a plan. Get a ride. Save Lives.
A Crash Is No Accident - 2018 Social Media Ad #1A Crash Is No Accident - 2018 Social Media Ad #2
Good Human PSA - 2024 YouTube videoKnow the Signs PSA - 2022 YouTube videoA Crash Is No Accident PSA - 2020 YouTube video
NHTSA Safer Ride Ad
Web BannersRethink the Drink 1 - We need a new way to think about alcohol. - image of a group of people
Rethink the Drink 2 - How many drinks do you have in a week? - image of cocktail glasses
Rethink the Drink 3 - How many drinks do you have in a week? - image of a man and a woman
Impaired Driving Media Toolkit - Spanish
Los amigos se cuidan unos a otros 2048 x 1149 - jpg
Conducir bajo la influencia de alcohol/drogas trae consecuencias graves - KUNP-TV - Unavision Portland
Recuerde, si manja tomado, será arresto - 15 second TV PSA 1 - Univision Portland - VimeoRecuerde, si manja tomado, será arresto - 15 second TV PSA 2 - Univision Portland - Vimeo
OSP Ignition Interlock Device Program
Ignition Interlock Device Program - Oregon State Police
Partnership Links
DHS - Addiction ServicesOregon DMVOregon DUII TaskforceOregon Liquor Control CommissionOregon Motor Carrier TransportationOregon State Police
American Medical AssociationNational Highway Traffic Safety AdministrationOffice of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
International Association of Chiefs of PoliceInternational DEC ProgramInternational Standards of the DEC Program 2017
CLEAR AllianceMothers Against Drunk DrivingOregon Impact
Ryan StoneImpaired Driving Program AnalystPhone: 971-345-7141
In Your Hands PSAEn Sus Manos PSARethink the Drink webpageNew Driver - Dangers of Alcohol PSA
Impaired Driving - Shared Future Coalition webpage
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