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Parent-Teen Resources

​​List of ODOT-Approved Driver Education Providers

ODOT-approved providers deliver courses that are standardized and evaluated by the Oregon Department of Transportation DMV Transportation Safety Office. If a teen passes one of these courses, When a teen passes one of these courses, their provider will enter their completion through DMV2U. The teen may then go to a DMV field office and show proof of their 50 hours practice drive time to apply for their license.

Teens who do not complete an ODOT-approved course must show proof of 100 hours of practice drive time before they can apply for their driver license AND they must still take a drive test at a DMV field office or a third-party testing business. Please check the DMV website for additional information including what documents to bring and other requirements.  

DMV Under 18 Driver License Information

Oregon DMV has a teen driving webpage with information about getting a permit or license. Manuals and forms are also available on the web page. 

ODOT-approved providers enter course completion through DMV2U that waives the Class C drive test at DMV field offices for eligible students who are under 18 years of age when they pass the course. The waiver is valid for two years from date of issuance. Check with your Driver Education provider to be sure your teen qualifies for this waiver. 

Teens of families who qualify for meal assistance are eligible for up to $75 in scholarship for an ODOT-approved Driver Education course. Even if you don't go to a public school, any teen between 15 and 18 years of age who does not yet have a license can qualify for this assistance. Families must show their approved provider documentation that verifies their qualification. Speak with your Driver Education provider to find out how to access this scholarship. 

Oregon is very fortunate to have the Student Driver Training Fund (SDTF). It is one of the ways we provide driver education funding to ODOT-approved providers in the state. When Oregonians obtain or renew their driver license, $6 of the fee is set aside for the SDTF. This fund is dedicated to defraying the costs of driver training during the permit phase of a teen’s graduated driver license (GDL) process. 


Jody Raska
Driver Education Program Analyst
Shelley Uselman
Quality Assurance Specialist

DMV - Transportation Safety Office
1905 Lana Avenue NE
Salem, OR 97314


An animated hand holding an Oregon driver license