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Static billboards are the most common type of outdoor advertising sign in Oregon; however, there is an increasing number of digital billboards, replacing the traditional poster or canvas style signs.

Digital billboards include any sign that is able to change message by any electronics process or remote control. Such billboards are required to "hold" a message for at least eight seconds, and the message change process must be accomplished in two seconds or less.

Example billboard sign 

Oregon Revised Statute

  • 377.700 - 377.845 and 377.992 - Motorist Information Signs and Penalties (Oregon Motorist Information Act)
    • This section includes permitting requirements and exemptions

Oregon Administrative Rule

  • 734-059 - Signs, General Provisions
    • The section provides definitions of key terms, costs to obtain permits and business licenses, as well as penalties for related violations.
  • 734-060 - Signs
    • This section includes application process information and exemption rules.
  • 734-063 - Relocating Outdoor Advertising Signs on a Scenic Byway
    • Rules included in this section are intended to ensure the state complies with federal scenic byway laws.
  • 734-065 - Advertising Signs Attached to Bus Shelters
    • This section of Oregon rule reviews the specifications and requirements associated with transit shelter signage.

​Application Summary and checklist information

Fee schedule



These permits can be for sign sizes up to the maximum of 14' x 48' and may contain any message or information the sign owner wants.

However, the permits can be difficult to obtain and is a private transaction between the current permit holder and the party wishing to purchase the permit.


Contact the Outdoor Advertising Sign Program

555 13th St NE
Salem, OR 97301
Fax: 503-986-3625

Program Contacts

Primary Contact:

Program Analyst

Secondary Contact:

Program Coordinator