The South Madras Concept Area Refinement Plan aims to address transportation safety, access, and connectivity issues for the city of Madras.
The refinement plan goals include the following:
- Increase safety and mobility for everyone who travels on U.S. 97.
- Identify current and projected traffic conditions.
- Identify future infrastructure investments.
- Identify connections between the east and west sides of U.S. 97 for pedestrians and bicyclists.
- Work with the public and key stakeholders to ensure a range of voices are considered.
U.S. 97
Madras, OR
Cost and Funding
What Problem Will This Improve?
A Refinement Plan for the segment of U.S. 97 between the southern City of Madras limits and the "Southern Y" was recommended in the 2018 update to the city of Madras Transportation System Plan (TSP). As the south Madras area continues to develop, access to areas east and west of the highway will compete with the high travel demand along the highway.
Additional Information
What's in a refinement plan?
Refinement plans help determine the look and function of a project area and provide guidance on how to implement a project.