People who walk and bike across the Willamette River between Oregon City and West Linn currently use the Arch Bridge (OR 43) which does not have dedicated bike paths or sidewalks that meet the Americans with Disabilities Act standards. To address this, a concept plan will identify an alignment for a safer, more comfortable Willamette River crossing for people biking and walking.
The plan:
- Identified safe, separated options for a crossing between West Linn and Oregon City, one upstream and one downstream of the Arch Bridge. See graphic below.
- Connects important regional bicycle and pedestrian routes.
- Provides opportunities for investment in West Linn and Oregon City, including the Old City Hall District, Industrial Heritage District, Willamette Falls Downtown District and downtown Oregon City.
The plan includes
technical analysis on the alignment options which will assess bridge feasibility, integration and connectivity to the adjacent biking and walking networks.
West Linn/Oregon City - The study area consists of culturally and historically significant area that stretches between the I-205 Abernethy Bridge and the Willamette Falls.
Cost and Funding
Approximately $426,000 for plan development. Projects identified in the concept plan will be designed and built based on available funding.
Additional Information
Project Committees
Project Advisory Committee
A Project Advisory Committee representing a broad set of community perspectives and interested government parties will review materials and provide input throughout the project.
Project Leadership Team
The Project Leadership Team is made up of governments with regulatory authority and provides a direct link to decision-makers from the cities of West Linn and Oregon City, Clackamas County, Metro and ODOT. This team will share the viewpoints of those who reside in the communities that the agencies serve and who are likely to be affected by the decisions they make.
Project Management Team
The Project Management Team consists of staff members from the cities of West Linn and Oregon City, Clackamas County, Metro and ODOT. In addition to managing the project's process and consultants, the team will make recommendations to the Oregon City Commission and the West Linn City Council based on technical analyses and stakeholder input.
Public Engagement
The project team is committed to honoring the cultural significance of the area and directly engaged historically excluded community members and interested government parties to bring diverse voices to the conversation. A series of focus groups engaged the community in conversations around potential crossing issues, barriers, needs, opportunities and ideas.
An online open house and virtual public meeting in spring 2021 allowed the team to hear from the broader community as a preferred alignment was developed.
The City of Oregon City and City of West Linn will consider adoption of the Concept Plan in summer/fall 2021.
Find other projects on I-205 in the Portland area.