We will upgrade curb ramps in the cities of Irrigon and Hermiston to meet Americans with Disabilities Act standards.
Visit the ODOT ADA webpage for more information about the statewide effort to upgrade curb ramps throughout Oregon. https://www.oregon.gov/odot/About/Pages/ADA.aspx.
Morrow County
- U.S. 730, from First Street, milepost 175.31, to 12th Street, milepost 175.97.
Umatilla County
- U.S. 395, from Theater Lane to 4th Street.
- U.S. 395, north of Hermiston, from U.S. 395/U.S. 730 (6th Street) to Punkin Center Road.
MultipleCost and Funding
The project is estimated to cost $4.8 million.