The All Roads Transportation Safety Program (ARTS) identifies intersections where a high concentration of crashes occur and then implements proven low-cost measures that help reduce crashes at these locations. The 54 intersections included in this project are along OR 8, OR 10, OR 47 and OR 219 in Washington County (see all work areas on the map below).
Improvements include upgrading traffic signals, lighting, signing and striping, adding buffered bicycle lanes, installing an enhanced pedestrian crossing and adding flashing intersection ahead warning signs. Examples of planned improvements at specific intersections include:
- SW 195th Avenue and SW Farmington Road [this work is complete]
- Add a new crosswalk with a pedestrian-activated Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) to reduce crashes between vehicles and pedestrians and increase visibility and driver awareness of a person crossing the road. This new RRFB will make it safer for people to cross Farmington Road and connect neighborhoods with nearby destinations such as bus stops, schools and parks.
- Add sidewalks and pedestrian curb ramps that meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards.
- Add new street lighting to improve visibility for all users.
- OR 47 at Maple Street and B Street
- Add a continuous flashing beacon at both intersections to warn drivers they're approaching an intersection.
- Add new intersection warning signs, road markings, and stop signs approaching these intersections.
- OR 219 at SW Burkhalter Road, SW Farmington Road and SW Bald Peak Road
- Add continuous flashing beacons at these three intersections, warning drivers traveling northbound and southbound that they're approaching an intersection.
- Add new intersection warning signs, road markings, and stop signs approaching these intersections.
Review the list of work locations to learn more about planned improvements at other intersections throughout Washington County.
Various intersections on OR 8, OR 10, OR 47 and OR 219
Cost and Funding
$3.62 million
Additional Information
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For Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or Civil Rights Title VI accommodations, translation/interpretation services, or more information call 503-731-4128, TTY 800-735-2900 or Oregon Relay Service 7-1-1.