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U.S. 20 Philomath Downtown Safety and Streetscape Project

Project Completed

Region 2: Willamette Valley and Northwest Oregon (Benton)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​We resurfaced the road and addressed some accessibility issues on U.S. 20 through downtown Philomath.

Banner: Slow down, in the work zone it could save lives. Building a modern transportation system to help Oregon’s communities and economy thrive. During construction, Give yourself more time, try a new way or mode to get there or take a different route.


Traffic Impact

​Crews are wrapping up final repair work Monday through Thursday during the daytime. Expect lane closures as needed through spring 2025.

Construction Impacts

​This project is mostly complete but you'll see crews in the area doing final repair work and cleaning up. You can expect:

  • Lane closures as needed.
  • Construction noise, dust and debris.
  • Businesses to remain open.

We expect construction to be fully completed by spring 2025.

Visit TripCheck​.com​ for the most current traffic information.​​



​The roadway through Philomath was is in poor condition and the sidewalks did not meet current ADA standards. 

​To address these issues, we repaved the road and improved the downtown area for pedestrians and bicyclists. We also:

  • Fully reconstructed most travel lanes on Main and Applegate within the project area between 14th and 7th Streets. This involved digging up and rebuilding the foundation of the road. We repaved the surface of the road on the portions that weren't rebuilt.

  • Regraded the new pavement and the slope of the road to improve drainage.

  • Repaved some of the parking areas on Applegate Street and portions of parking on Main Street where full depth reconstruction was not occurring.

  • Upgraded curb ramps to comply with ADA standards.

  • Added curb extensions on the north and south sides of Main Street and on the north side of Applegate Street within the project area. This increased pedestrian visibility and safety by shortening the distance to cross the street.

  • Installed enhanced pedestrian crossings with rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFB) on Applegate Street at 14th Street and on Main Street at 7th Street.  

  • Added buffers between vehicle and bicycle lanes to improve bicycle safety. Striped buffers are two feet wide on Main Street and four feet wide on Applegate Street. 

  • Added a two way cycle track on the south side of Applegate between 13th and 15th Streets to provide westbound bicycle access between the Applegate neighborhood and the downtown area and to provide connectivity for the “Corvallis to the Coast” bike route.  

  • Installed mountable concrete curb separators in the four-foot buffer along the cycle track to further protect bicyclists.

  • Installed additional features such as landscaping, trash cans and benches.

  • Replaced traffic signals at important intersections.

  • Improved facilities to better manage storm​water runoff.​


Design: 2022
Construction: completed October 2024


U.S. 20 |

​Milepost 49.8 - 50.8

Cost and Funding

​Design and Construction: $18 million

Contacts & Media

Project Area Map

Project Contacts

Assistant Resident Engineer
Markus Schaaf

Public Information Officer
Mindy McCartt

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Last Updated

12/24/2024 9:11 AM

Project Number