The Refinement Plan was developed through a robust process of technical review, policy assessment, and public engagement that informed the needs and confirmed the projects identified to meet those needs. The resultant Plan includes changes to the transportation system that support people walking, cycling, driving and the movement of freight on city streets and along US 97.
These outcomes were discussed and informed by various community engagement events and feedback from agency partners. Because of these efforts, the Refinement Plan represents a community-supported vision for the future of the transportation system within and through the Wickiup Junction area.
U.S. 97
U.S. 97 at Wickiup Juction/Burgess Road in La PineCost and Funding
U.S. 97 Wickiup Junction Refinement Planning - $295,000 (work is complete, pending Oregon Transportation Committee review.)
Additional Information
Following the closeout of the original Wickiup Junction Project, and completion of the Girder Removal Project, we were left with aproximately $1.7 million in remaining budget. In October of 2017, the Oregon Transportation Committee approved utilizing all remaining funds from the Wickiup projects for other Wickiup Transportation Projects. This included geotechnical site analysis, transportation refinement planning, short and long-term intersection improvements and other safety improvements along U.S. 97 through and around La Pine.