This project will install new variable message signs at two locations: on I-84 eastbound in Hood River near the Westcliff Drive underpass and U.S. 97 southbound at Biggs Junction, as well as replace an existing message board on I-84 westbound near Rufus.
The purpose of this project is to improve communication infrastructure on the state highway system throughout the I-84 corridor between Hood River and Rufus east of The Dalles. By incorporating variable message signs, ODOT can advance the safety and mobility of our roadways.
I-84 eastbound in Hood River, I-84 westbound in Rufus and U.S. 97 southbound at Biggs Junction east of The Dalles.
Cost and Funding
Approximately $1.08 million,
This project will contribute to a safe and efficient transportation system that supports livability and economic viability which is a primary aspect of ODOT’s mission.
Variable message signs are traffic control devices used to provide motorist traveler information en-route. The information is most often displayed in real-time and can be controlled either from a remote centralized location or locally at the site. Traveler information displayed on variable message signs may be generated as a result of planned or unplanned event such as road construction, an accident or severe weather conditions.