The existing Van Buren Bridge was considered seismically vulnerable, and is being removed and replaced. The bridge was a bottleneck to travelers and freight as it was narrow, had low clearance, and was weight restricted.
The new earthquake ready bridge will be built in the existing location, and will include two eastbound travel lanes, a bike lane, and a protected bicycle and pedestrian path. There will also be improvements to the intersection of Van Buren Avenue and NW First Street, where a new signal will replace the current flashing yellow pedestrian crossing light.
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An Environmental Impact Statement was completed to consider an alternate route for traffic to bypass the central business area of Corvallis.
Previous plans to study bridge options were revived.
An Environmental Baseline Report was completed to help determine requirements for the new Van Buren Bridge. A Bridge and Roadway Alternatives Report was also completed to study design options for locating a new Van Buren Bridge.
Design options included a new bridge parallel to the existing bridge, a curved bridge between the old bridge and the Harrison Street Bridge and a bypass north to connect with OR 99W. No funding was available.
An Existing Traffic Conditions Report was completed and focused on conducting additional traffic studies.
The State Legislature’s passage of House Bill 2017 provided more bridge funding and project planning resumed.
What has been done?
Design and Project Development Activities
- Design firm contracted and project kicked off in early 2019.
- Project development team began design, concept development and public engagement.
- Right of way phase began in late Summer of 2020.
- Cultural Resource work started in 2019.
- Permits, applications, drafts and submittals.
Where we are at now:
The project is under construction, the contract was awarded to Hamilton Construction.
We engaged with key interested parties and the community to get feedback on the design of the bridge, to help determine the mitigation measures and to better understand the impacts that would occur during construction. We held in person and online open houses, sent out several community wide postcards and mailers, with project alerts via emails and social media, held one on one meetings with businesses and property owners who will be directly affected by the project, and continue to have on-going conversations with City Staff and community partners during construction.
Past outreach and events:
Project Development: 2019-2022
Construction started in May 2023 and is estimated to complete in 2026.
Schedules may change as the project constructs.
OR 34Cost and Funding
Design and construction: $85,442,844