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Medford, Jackson County Foothill Road Improvement Project

Construction Phase

Region 3: Southwestern Oregon (Medford, Jackson)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Improves safety and modernizes nearly four miles Foothill Road in east Medford​ and Jackson County

Slow down, in the work zone it could save lives. Building a modern transportation system to help Oregon’s communities and economy thrive. During construction, Give yourself more time, try a new way or mode to get there or take a different route.


Construction Impacts

Latest Update Provided by Jackson County March 19, 2025:

Drivers should expect flagging and minor delays from Coker Butte Road to Dry Creek Road as the contractor finishes up work on the road. ​

Latest Update Provided by the City of Medford on February 26th 2025:

The contractor has completed base paving for Stage III of the improvement project (Normil Terrace to Cedar Links Drive), allowing the entire roadway to reopen. Detours in place since January 2024 are being removed. 

Construction Continues – Expect Delays

Although the road is open, Foothill Road remains an active construction zone. Drivers should expect flagging, lane shifts, and delays as crews continue work.​

When completed in late 2026, the roadway will be upgraded to:

  • Two lanes in each direction
  • T​urn lanes
  • Sidewalks
  • Bike lanes
  • Street lighting

Thank you for your patience! ​​​

Project information and current construction schedule (subject to change) is available at:

Sign up for project updates by emailing City of Medford at:

Meantime, all project updates and news releases will be posted on this website. Thanks !!​

Construction Activities

​​Major construction of this two lane road will affect traffic flow. Drivers should use alternate routes to get to their destinations, especially during full closures of the roadway.

Meetings and Events

​Various ​meetings have been held by both Medford and Jackson County. A mailing has been sent to Jackson County and City of Medford residents near the project area prior to construction of the respective sections.


​Construction expected between January 30, 2023 through 2026.



​Within Medford, this modernization and safety project widens two miles of Foothill Road between Hillcrest and Delta Waters Roads to an urban standard for safety and future capacity.

In most sections, the current two-lane roadway will be widened to five lanes, with a center turn lane, curb, gutter, sidewalk and bike lanes.

Constructs a 1,000 foot section of the new South Stage Road off North Phoenix Road.

The Jackson County portion is from Dry Creek Road south to Delta Waters Road. 

This safety project will construct two lane roadway with multi-use shoulders with center turn lanes at Dry Creek, Coker Butte and Devils Garden Roads.

The project will straighten and improve the existing hills and curves in the area near Dry Creek and Coker Butte Roads. 

ODOT is inspecting this project and handling contract administration in coordination with the City of Medford. 


N/A |
  • ​Jackson County: Dry Creek Road south to Delta Waters Road
  • Medford: Delta Waters Road south to Hillcrest Road.
    • 1000' of the new South Stage Road segement will also be constructed.  

Cost and Funding

Medford Section

(Hillcrest Rd. to Delta Waters Rd.)

Project Cost: ~$62.6 M

Includes a Federal BUILD Grant: $15.5M


Jackson County Section

(Delta Waters Rd. to Dry Creek Rd.) 

Project Construction Cost:  $11M


​Knife River Materials of Central Point on both the Jackson County and City of Medford portions of this project.


​Improves safety and modernizes a key regional Rogue Valley route on the east hills of Medford for current and future growth.

The corridor also upgrades the former two lane county road between Oregon 140 to the north and Interstate 5 at Phoenix to the south.

What Problem Will This Improve?

​Improves safety and upgrades a two lane country road with no shoulders to an urban standard to meet today and future needs. 

Contacts & Media


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Project Contacts

Medford Communication Manager
Kristina Johnsen

Public Information Officer
Mary Elizabeth Dillinger

Last Updated

3/19/2025 2:12 PM

Project Number


Project Documents

Related documents to this project
Medford Foothill Road Project_final.pdfGraphic of the Medford Foothill Road Improvement Project
JacksonCo Foothill Road Project_final.pdfA graphic of the Jackson County Foothill Road Improvement Project between Dry Creek Road and Delta Waters Road
Medford DeltaWater sMcAndrews_AerialwithDesign_LargePDF_from City of Medfordt1.pdfA cross section design over aerial of the future Foothill Road improvement sin the City of Medford - large file.
FoothillRD_McAndrews to Hillcrest_Open House Cross Section.pdfA typical cross section graphic of the Foothill Road improvements between McAndrews and Hillcrest Roads
Foothill Road_McAndrews to Hillcrest_Typical Cross Section.pdfA graphic illustraton of a typical cross section of Foothill Road between McAndrews Road and Hillcrest Road in the City of Medford.
Jackson Co Foothill Road_ Typical Cross Section.jpgJackson County graphic illustraton of cross section of Foothill Road between Dry Creek Road and Delta Waters Road
JacksonCo_FoothillProject_ DryCreek2DeltaWatersRoadExhibit.pdfIllustration of the roadway cross seciton of Foothill Road between Delta Waters Road and Dry Creek Road in Jackson County.
Medford Foothill Road Project Begins_Feb17_final.pdfCity of Medford news release on the Foothill Road project kick-off, Feb. 17, 2023
P1825 Overall w_Aerial-Stage I.pdfFoothill Road project design over aerial
P1825 Overall w_Aerial-Stage II.pdfAerial on Design of the Medford Foothill Road Project
P1825 Overall w_Aerial-Stage III.pdfDesign over Aerial of Foothill Road PRoject_McAndrews to Cedar Links
P1825 Overall w_Aerial-Stage IV.pdfStage 4 Medford Foothill Road project_ Cedar Links to Delta Waters
Medford_JacksonCo Foothill Stages and full closures_FINAL.pdfSlide deck off the various construction related closureson Foothill Road in Medford and Jackson County
Foothill Road closed for substation utility work _ City of Medford news release_March 9_2023.pdfNews release on Medford Foothill Road closures