This project was developed as part of an Environmental Assessment (EA) for a larger project to reduce congestion and make improvements in the Albany to Millersburg corridor of I-5.
A number of stand-alone projects were identified, each addressing a specific traffic problem/issue. The EA was discontinued when the Federal Highway Administration determined that the work could be done without significant impact. Congestion in the area will be reduced by adding a southbound on-ramp at Knox Butte and constructing auxiliary lanes between Knox Butte and Santiam interchanges to allow for local traffic to travel in the area without adding to the congestion.
Safety will be improved for merging traffic by extending the northbound on-ramp at Knox Butte.
Sound walls will help reduce noise levels for local residents.
The Cox Creek bridge will be reconstructed to ensure structural stability during high water or a seismic event and improve fish passage.
Project will resume once construction funding has been identified.
Albany, between the U.S. 20 Santiam Highway interchange (milepost 233) and just past the Knox Butte interchange (milepost 234)
Cost and Funding
Concluded ($1.2 million was spent in design).
No construction funding has been identified.