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OR 99E Canby Paving and Improvements

Project Completed

Region 1: Portland metro and Hood River County (Canby, Clackamas)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This 1.5-mile stretch of OR 99E is well traveled in and through Canby. The project will repave and add features to help everyone get around more safely.


Construction Impacts

Oct. 25 update

All major elements are complete. Permanent striping will be installed when weather allows. 


All major elements were completed in October 2024. 



This project repaved and reconstructed sections of Oregon 99E between South Pine Street and Southwest Berg Parkway in Canby and made safety improvements.

OR 99E from Canby will be repaved between Berg Parkway and just east of Pine Street.  

Clackamas County's Ivy Street Bike Lanes and Sidewalks Project
Clackamas County's project to widen Ivy Street to three lanes, add bicycle lanes and sidewalks between 1st Ave and Philander Lee Elementary School, add street lighting and install a signal at Township Road intersection is underway.​


OR 99E | Canby between South Pine Street and Southwest Berg Parkway

Cost and Funding

Project cost: $20.2M​


​K&E Excavating


Before and after photos of pavement near Les Schwaab, going from rutted to smooth
  • ​​Repaved the highway for the entire length of the project for a safer, smoother ride.
  • Improved traffic signals with new detectors and crosswalks at South Elm Street, South Grant Street and South Ivy Street to increase safety for everyone. 
Before sidewalk photo with people walking on a gravel shoulder and after with a new concrete sidewalk
  • Reconstructed several short sections of sidewalk along the corridor, for example on the south side of OR 99E between La Conasuper Market and Rite Aid.
  • Updated striping along the highway for consistent lane width to encourage slower, safer speeds on the busy commercial street. 
  • Added bicycle lanes on both sides of the highway between Southwest Berg Parkway and South Elm Street.


  • ​Installed sidewalk curb ramps at all intersections to meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards and improve access for everyone​.

Before with the rail tracks diagonal across the highway with rutting and after with curved tracks and reinforced concrete 

  • Remove the unused railroad tracks and realign the tracks still in use that cross OR 99E diagonally near South Pine Street to eliminate a hazard for people crossing the tracks.
Before with a bus stop sign on the sidewalk and after with a new shelter set back from the sidewalk
  • Partnered with Canby Area Transit on improvements to increase safety and access for transit users as bus shelters are added in the area.

Additional Information

​Frequently Asked Questions

Why is ODOT replacing a stormwater pipe?

When we began construction in early 2023, we realized an underground stormwater pipe was deteriorating and needed replacement. We paused work and modified the project design to replace the cracked stormwater pipe that runs throughout the project area. From fall 2023 to spring 2024, we are replacing stormwater pipe running under the highway as well as building new accessible sidewalk curb ramps and upgrading traffic signals. Working through the winter months means we can complete weather-dependent paving in summer 2024.  ​

Will you fully repave Oregon 99E?

We will repave the entire section of ​​OR 99E from Berg Parkway to Pine Street. We will excavate and replace several inches of roadbed and pavement, not just patch ruts and potholes.

Will you address traffic ​signal timing?​ 

We will add new detectors to all traffic signals in the project area to better detect when vehicles are stopped at red lights. This will improve timing and reduce delays on side streets.

The signal timing at Ivy Street, Elm Street and Grant Street is already coordinated. We are evaluating opportunities to include Berg Parkway and Pine Street to better help the flow of traffic.

​Will OR 99E be narrowed?​

The overall paved width of the highway will remain the same. The current striping for travel lanes is inconsistent and wider than the standard 11 feet in many places. Wider travel lanes can contribute to speeding. We will stripe vehicle lanes to the standard 11-foot width for consistency, allowing room in some areas to extend existing bike lanes.

Will it be easier for pedestrians to cross the busy highway?​​

New accessible sidewalk curb ramps at intersections will eliminate the need to step up or down at curbs and improve access for everyone, including people using mobility devices such as wheelchairs, scooters or strollers. 

Many Canby residents requested more time to cross the highway at signalized intersections. We are installing countdown signals that show the number of seconds left to cross. You can continue crossing while the seconds are counting down. Several Canby residents also asked for audible signals to help visually impaired people. Based on this feedback, audible pedestrian signals are now included in this project.  

Will bike lanes be added?

We will add new striped bike lanes between Berg Parkway and Elm Street, as outlined in the City of Canby’s Gateway Plan and Transportation System Plan. The new bike lanes will extend existing bike lanes and provide more connections to bike routes in Canby. 

Some Canby residents expressed safety concerns about bikes and motor vehicles sharing the highway, and some are excited about consistent striping and new connections — whether they travel OR 99E by motor vehicle or bike. 

Will intersections be improved so vehicles don’t drive over the curb when turning right?

Each intersection will have new, accessible curb ramps. Wherever possible, we are designing curb ramps to reduce the likelihood of vehicles driving over them and to allow vehicles as large as full-sized city buses or medium-sized cargo trucks to make turns. At many intersections, the curb ramps will be shifted slightly from their current locations, except for the east side of Elm Street and the southwest corner of Ivy Street, where private property lines and existing signal and power poles would make it too difficult to move the ramps to a new location.

We heard from many people with concerns about truck traffic at Ivy Street, which is not a designated truck route. ODOT will coordinate with the City to review truck route signs along the corridor.

Will fewer people run red lights?​

Prior to construction of this project, another ODOT project in Canby will improve visibility of signals at many intersections along OR 99E. Adding reflective back plates to signal lights has been proven to reduce nighttime crashes, including those caused by red-light running. We will also add upgraded signal heads to make signals more visible even for drivers following large vehicles. Drivers can do their part by avoiding distractions and driving safely.​​

For ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) or Civil Rights Title VI accommodations, translation/interpretation services, or more information call 503-731-4128, TTY 800-735-2900 or Oregon Relay Service 7-1-1. ​

Si desea obtener información sobre este proyecto traducida al español, sírvase llamar​ al 503-731-4128.

Contacts & Media

Project Contact

Community Affairs Coordinator
Katelyn Jackson
Project Hotline
24/7 noise hotline: 503-294-1352

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Last Updated

12/31/2024 2:02 PM

Project Number


Project Documents

Related documents to this project
OR 99E Canby What We Heard 2021.pdfA FAQ document based on feedback received in fall 2020.
OR 99E Canby Paving and Improvements November 2022 Mailer.pdfThis is the project mailer including schedule information in English and Spanish.
OR 99E Canby - Trifold Mailer Fall 2023.pdfFall 2023 newsletter about construction resuming