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Diesel Retrofit Compliance Program


In 2019, the Oregon Legislature passed House Bill 2007 a Clean Diesel Initiative to reduce diesel emissions in Oregon. The bill authorizes the Environmental Quality Commission of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to adopt rules for certification of approved retrofit technologies of diesel engines that power medium-duty and heavy-duty trucks.

The legislation established deadlines, after which certain older model diesel engine vehicles cannot be titled or registered to owners with addresses in Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties unless equipped with approved retrofit technology and certified by DEQ. The two weight classifications categorized in the bill include:
  • Medium-duty with gross vehicle weight rating of 14,001-26,000 pounds.
  • Heavy-duty with a gross vehicle weight rating of over 26,000 pounds.


Commercial motor vehicles can apply for a Diesel Retrofit Compliance Program exemption prior to registering or renewing their vehicle. The following vehicle classes are exempt and must file a Diesel Retrofit Compliance Program Exemption Application (form 9997) with CCD for each exempt vehicle: 
  • Motor vehicles registered as farm vehicles under the provisions of ORS 805.300.
  • Motor vehicles used exclusively as training vehicles.
  • Heavy-duty trucks operated for 5,000 miles or fewer on Oregon highways in one calendar year.
  • Carriers with a fleet size of five or fewer heavy-duty trucks.
  • Motor vehicles used primarily to transport logs as defined in ORS 801.355.
Vehicles registered through DMV, such as T plate and F plate, must certify exemption through DMV.

Phase 1

Effective January 1, 2023
ODOT Commerce and Compliance Division (CCD) will not register or renew commercial motor vehicle registration for: 
  • A medium-duty truck or a heavy-duty truck powered by a model year 1996 or older diesel engine.

Phase 2

Effective January 1, 2025
ODOT DMV will not issue a certificate of title for the following motor vehicles:
  • Medium-duty truck powered by a model year 2009 or older diesel engine. 
  • Heavy-duty truck powered by a model year of 2006 or older diesel engine.
For questions regarding your vehicle title, call DMV Customer Service Assistance.

Phase 3

Effective January 1, 2029
ODOT CCD will not register or renew commercial motor vehicle registration for:
  • Medium-duty truck powered by a model year 2009 or older diesel engine. 
  • Heavy-duty truck powered by a model year 2009 or older diesel engine owned by a public body. 
  • Heavy-duty truck powered by a model year 2006 or older diesel engine owned by a person other than a public body.

Need More Information?

For questions about commercial vehicle registration, renewal or exemptions of medium-and/or heavy-duty vehicles:
For Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) information and program requirements:

Vehicle Title Questions?

Call DMV Customer Assistance at 503-945-5000.