Oregon has several programs that invest in transportation projects on local roadways. There are federal funds, state funds and other funds; there are programs that invest in specific modes, such as rail or bicycle and pedestrian; and there are emergency situations when funds are also available. Below is an overview of the various funding sources and programs.
We also recommend you look at the following federal funding opportunities:
The Oregon Department of Transportation, or ODOT, manages other programs that fund or support projects on local roadways. You may also want to explore options related to the following categories of funding (some programs may be shown in more than one category):
Grant Opportunities
All recipients of federal funding must comply with federal and state laws and requirements, including nondiscrimination laws.
Opportunity information last updated May 30, 2024.
Instruction for using search function: Please use key words to find all the grant opportunities useful to you. Useful key words for searching include: "Cities", "Counties", "Tribes", etc.
Additional Resources
ODOT's Bridge Section coordinates selection and funding of Federal Highway
Bridge Program bridges through the Local Agency Bridge Selection Committee, a committee of city, county, and state representatives. Local agency bridges are prioritized using a Technical Ranking System and selected in categories of Large (30,000+ square feet of deck area), Small On-System, and Small Off-System.
The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program, or CMAQ, is a federally-funded program for surface transportation improvements designed to improve air quality and mitigate congestion. CMAQ funds are apportioned annually to each State according to the severity of its air quality problems. The program is jointly administered by Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration.
A federal program that provides emergency funding for repair or reconstruction of highways and roads damaged during natural disasters or catastrophic failures. ODOT’s Maintenance and Operations Branch administers the Emergency Operations Program and can assist local agencies navigate the Emergency Repair process.
A process whereby cities, counties, and small metropolitan planning organizations can receive state funds.
2024 allocation payments should be processed by January 31, 2024. If you have questions please email
Hope Derrickson.
ODOT’s Public Transit Section provides Public Transportation grants to communities and local transportation providers who offer public transportation. If this is your agency's first time applying for a Public Transit Section grant, please contact your area's Regional Transit Coordinator for more information and to discuss your eligibility.
The Transportation Safety Office administers safety grants that adhere to our mission to deliver transportation safety programs to Oregon citizens. Typically, grants are awarded to states, local governments, colleges and universities, and non-profit organizations.
ODOT trades State Funds for Federal Funds (on a one-one basis) for selected Local Agency projects. Projects are selected through the Local Bridge project selection process.
State Highway Fund dollars are distributed to each region for bicycle and pedestrian projects on state roadways. Outside agencies (such as a local roadway authority) may be able to use some of the funds such as the Sidewalk Improvement Program, or SWIP, dollars for pedestrian and bicycle facilities on state highways via an Intergovernmental Agreement.
The Transportation Options, or TO, program focuses on implementation of the Oregon Transportation Options Plan, including: managing demand across the transportation system; educating students and the public on travel options and how to safely use them; connecting veterans, low income populations, communities of color, and others with ways to get to and from work or school; supporting vanpooling; and more.
Innovation Grants:
- The Transportation Options Innovation Grant supports the implementation of the Oregon Transportation Options Plan, moves the state of the practice of transportation options forward and provides learning opportunities or tools that can be shared with other transportation options providers.
Grants will be awarded in a two year cycle. Funds for the 2019 solicitation will be available July 1, 2019 and must be spent by June 30, 2021. Total funds available are $200,000 with a maximum award of $50,000. No grants will be awarded in 2020. The next competitive cycle will occur in the first quarter of 2021 for funds available July 1, 2021, funding permitting. The purpose of this change is to allow project completion during a fiscal biennium and to reduce the need to extend contract terms.
Letters of Interest (LOI) were accepted through February 8, 2019 for the 2019 round of grants. Those selected, will submit a draft scope and budget by February 27, 2019. Based on the draft scope and budget discussions, a final selection will be made in March 2019. Successful applicants will be invited to enter in a Grant Agreement with ODOT for the 2019 Transportation Options Innovation Grant funds.
Contact: Hope Estes, Transportation Options Program Manager.
Sponsorships: The purpose of the Transportation Options Sponsorship Program is to support activities that encourage Oregonians to try transportation options. Examples of eligible activities include:
- Open Streets or similar events
- Kick off of a new transportation service or facility (bike share, major transit line, trip planning tool, etc.)
- Other transportation options information and knowledge activities to reach new audiences or historically underserved communities
- Activities which help implement an Oregon Transportation Options Plan policy
The typical award is between $2,000 and $5,000. Applications for sponsorships are accepted on an open basis and will be awarded based on matching program goals and objectives and availability of funds.
Hope Estes
, Transportation Options Program Manager, with a brief description of the event or purpose of the sponsorship.