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Certified User Group Critical Path (2)

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Follow Path and Meet Key Milestones

These are the milestones to meet along the project's critical path. Work your way from right to left and down the chart to take the path from project initiation to project implementation. Use links to  get specific instructions and documents. If you need help, contact us. Acronyms are spelled out below.

Project Initiation
30% Plans
30-60% Plans
100% Plans

  • Complete technical scope and submit to LAL with request for project agreement.
  • ODOT drafts agreement, 4 – 6 months to execution.
  • ODOT issues NTP for PE phase.
  • Do you need a consultant?
  • Kick off meeting.

Project design.
  • Design continues.
  • Design exceptions drafted.
  • Project special provisions.

Design continues.
  • PSE checklist
  • Design plans
  • Bid book
  • Project special provisions
  • Design exceptions
  • Final cost estimate


  • Consultant? Have statement of work in place by 30%.
  • Develop environmental baseline studies. Drafts submitted to REC.
  • NEPA determination.
  • Environmental work as required by recommendations from baseline reports.
Environmental work continues.
Environmental documentation (record of decisions, studies).
Right of Way

  • Do you need right of way? Ensure it's programmed into STIP and included in SPA.
  • ODOT ROW staff attends kick off meeting.
Prepare legal description, estimate, maps.
  • Legal description, estimate, maps submitted by ROW agent (4-6 weeks turnaround).
  • LAL issues ROW notice to proceed.
  • ROW work processes.
  • Meet with ROW agent to review plans at 90%.
Submit for ROW certification (2 – 4 weeks before PS&E).
ODOT signs ROW certification.

  • Get initial utility information for project area.
  • Send project notification letters.
  • Utilities respond.
  • Send second notice/time requirement letters.
Communicate with utilities and word as needed to complete documentation for utility certification.
ODOT SURL reviews and signs utility certification.
Submit signed utility certification form.

  • Does project come within 500 feet of a railroad?
  • If yes, notify ODOT SURL before kick off meeting.
  • ODOT works with LPA rail liaison to determine steps and timeline.
  • If no, proceed with other planning elements.
  • For projects near railroads, LPA RR liaison works with railroad on permissions and agreement.
  • Coordination with railroad can be a long process.
Coordination with railroad can be a long process.
Coordination with railroad can be a long process.
Railroad agreement assurance form submitted if needed.