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Parent or Legal Guardian Signature


If you are under the age of 18, and not married or emancipated, you will need consent from a parent or legal guardian to get a license or permit.

Getting Consent

To get legal consent, your application for a license or permit must have a signature from:

  • Your parent; or
  • Your legal guardian

The signature will be electronically captured in a field office on the electronic application.  If the parent or legal guardian can not sign at a field office, they must provide consent on the Parent/Guardian certification form.

Until you turn 18, this consent can be cancelled by the person who signed the original application.

Under 18 and Married?

If you are under 18 and married, you don't need consent, but you will need to show documentation that you are married.

Under 18 and Emancipated?

If you are emancipated, you don't need consent, but you will need to show the judgment or decree of emancipation issued by the court.

Cancelling Consent

The parent or guardian who gave you consent on the application may ask DMV to cancel your license or permit.  This can be done up until you turn 18.  They will need to use the Request to Cancel Driving Privileges by Parent or Legal Guardian form.

Getting a License after Consent Cancelled

You can apply to regain your driving privilege when:

  • You get legal consent on an application
  • You turn 18
  • You get married
  • You get emancipated

You won't have to take the tests again unless your license or permit has been expired for more than one year.

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