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Motorcycle & Moped Online Manual

The purpose of the Oregon Motorcycle & Moped Manual is to help riders prepare for Oregon endorsement tests by providing a summary of the rules of the road and safe riding practices.

This manual condenses and paraphrases selected language in the Oregon Revised Statutes. It also provides safety recommendations not included in law. This manual is not a source of law and should not be relied upon or cited as legal precedent in a court of law or other administrative or legal proceeding. Local governments may have additional ordinances not covered in this manual.

The Oregon Motorcycle & Moped Manual is now accessible to web translation tools. The information covers motorcycle and moped road rules and safe riding practices. It has the information you need to pass the Motorcycle Knowledge Test, if required. Use the translate function (upper right-hand corner) to translate the manual to whichever language you prefer.

Note: The manual is also available in PDF format or audio format. In order to view important illustrations and diagrams, we recommend you use the online manual along with the audio version.

Please check DMV’s website for updates, office locations and hours, fees and additional information.

The majority of the content of this manual is directly from the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrator’s Motorcycle
Operator Manual, with inserts from Motorcycle Safety Foundation, Team Oregon and particulars of Oregon law.

Table of Contents

Section One

Riding in Oregon

Section Two

Factors Affecting Rider Performance

Section Three

Before You Ride

Section Four

Vehicle Control Skills

Section Five

Street Strategies

Section Six

Roadway Management

Section Seven

Special Riding Situations

Section Eight

Passengers, Cargo and Group Riding

Section Nine

Three-Wheel Motorcycles

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