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At-Risk Suspensions and Cancellations: Regaining or Retaining Driving Privileges

After a driver is reported to the At-Risk Driver Program and that report is accepted (meaning it meets criteria defined in rule), a driver will receive a Suspension Notice informing them of:
  • The reason for the suspension,
  • The effective date of the suspension,
  • The requirements that must be met to regain driving privileges,
  • The right to request a hearing, 
  • The amount of time they have to request a hearing, and
  • A notice to Active Duty Service Members about their right to stay the proceedings under the federal Service Members Civil Relief Act.
A driver may have a recertification requirement after they have regained their driving privileges.  In that case, the recertification reminder will come in the form of a Cancellation Notice with an effective date 60 days after the date of the notice; to give the driver time to obtain and submit the required recertification information.

An extension on the 60 day timeframe can be granted for up to an additional 60 days when the driver named on the Cancellation Notice:
    (a) Is seriously ill or injured and a physician, nurse practitioner or physician associate requests an extension in writing;
    (b) Is temporarily out of state and submits a written request; or
    (c) Can show that an appointment was requested in a timely manner, but the earliest available appointment exceeded the 60 days.
To request an extension, submit your request in writing including the relevant information and documentation as noted above: by fax – 503-945-5329, or mail –  DMV, ATTN: DSS, 1905 Lana Ave NE, Salem OR  97314.  

For hearings questions about:

  • Scheduling a hearing, call the DMV Hearings Case Management Unit at: 503-945-5545.
  • An already scheduled hearing, call the Office of Administrative Hearings at: 503-947-1608.
Note: When there is additional documentation or evidence to submit for an already scheduled hearing, please send it to both DMV and the Office of Administrative Hearings. That information may be sufficient to clear you and avoid the hearing.

Requirements to regain privileges can include:
  • Passing all DMV tests: vision, knowledge and skills
  • Submitting a Driver Medical Report (included with the initial Suspension Notice, when required) completed by their health care provider managing the condition(s) for which they were reported
  • Submitting a Certificate of Vision (included with the Suspension Notice, when required)
When a Driver Medical Report is received, it is reviewed by one of DMV’s Medical Determination Officers, a licensed MD or DO, who makes a determination of medical eligibility.  When that determination has been made, a letter is sent to the driver notifying them of the determination. 

When the driver is determined to be:
  • Medically eligible:
    • The letter will provide the next steps to regain driving privileges, if any.
    • And they have a testing requirement, the letter will give them the phone number to call to schedule the tests. (Note: The tests are the same as anyone getting their license in Oregon is required to take.)
  • Not Medically eligible, the letter will tell them what needs to happen in order to become medically eligible and when they can be reconsidered for eligibility. They will also receive another Suspension Notice, as a result of this determination, with a different time frame that runs at the same time as the initial Suspension Notice (not in addition to).

When the Suspension Notice is no longer available to check requirements:
  • Drivers can call the At-Risk Program in Driver Specialty Services - 503-945-5083 – to:
    • Learn what they need to do; and
    • Request any necessary forms. 
To request that a Suspension Notice be resent: (DMV records request)
  • Submit a DMV records request (see Available DMV Records & Fees):
  • As these records are protected personal information and reports are confidential by law (except when: ordered by the court, reported by Law Enforcement, or an Administrative Hearing is requested) , DMV cannot share the record with anyone other than the driver unless:
    • The driver gives permission to do so, either in-person with the requestor or by phone while on the phone with the requestor, or
    • Legally permitted to do so. For more information about this, contact the At-Risk Program at 503-945-5295.

Watson Assistant