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Driver Training Provider Complaint Form


OAR 735-160-0015 – Commercial Driver Training School Operator Responsibilities:

  1. An operator must:
    (e) Provide student with a copy of, or prominently display in a publicly accessible and conspicuous manner, a compliant procedure that includes DMV contact information.


  1. If you have a problem, concern, or would like to file a complaint concerning the Driver Training School, please feel free to complete the request below.
  2. Complete and 'Submit" or print and mail to: 
    1. DMV 
      Driver Programs 
      1905 Lana Ave. NE 
      Salem, Oregon 97314
  3. The commercial driver training school will be contacted and informed of any complaints or feedback provided by the individual completing this form. You may be contacted by DMV or the testing business to address your concerns.
Watson Assistant
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