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Electric Vehicle Reliability and Accessibility Accelerator Program in Oregon

Latest news 

  • July 2024: We held an information webinar for EV charging companies July 24, 2024. To watch the archived recording of the presentation, see the "Resources"  section below.

Program overview 

The federal Electric Vehicle Charger Reliability and Accessibility Accelerator program is sending $10 million to Oregon in 2024 for public EV charging port repairs and station upgrades.  

The $10 million grant will repair broken EV charging ports at public EV charging stations throughout the state. The funding can also be used to install more Level 2 or DC fast charging ports at project sites. 

The ODOT Climate Office will oversee the grant fund distribution in Oregon. Private companies who own and operate the EV charging stations will be responsible for the port repairs and station upgrades. They’re also required to contribute 20% matching funds to be eligible for the program. 

The EVC RAA program is part of the $5 billion investment in public EV charging nationwide from the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. ODOT is one of 14 state DOTs to receive funding. 

EV charging stations included in the program 

In October 2023, the Federal Highway Administration identified 135 public EV charging stations in Oregon that have at least one broken EV charging port — either Level 2 or DC fast chargers — that were initially eligible for repairs or upgrades using program grant funds. From these initial eligible chargers, there are further eligibility requirements that must be met. 

View a map of the eligible stations on Google Maps.  

Note: This map is not the final list of charging stations that will receive funds for repairs or upgrades. It’s the pool of potential stations from which the final stations will be selected. We do not expect all 135 stations will be included in the final selection. Final stations must meet additional federal requirements and have agreements in place with station owners and site hosts.                                                                          

Information for eligible applicants

ODOT is still finalizing the full scope of eligible applicants. At a minimum, eligible applicants will include:  

  • EVSPs offering network services to eligible sites. 
  • EVSPs that own/operate eligible sites. 
  • Approved applicants in ODOT's Pre-Qualified Applicant Pool for Transportation Electrification Infrastructure Projects. 
  • Utilities providing service to eligible sites.
  • Public entities with eligible charging stations located on the public entities' property.
ODOT plans to prioritize charging stations located within Disadvantaged Communities as defined by the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool. ODOT also plans to prioritize projects that include repair, replacement, or upgrade of DCFC ports. Projects that can potentially include DCFC ports are:
  • Charging stations with existing DCFC ports.
  • Charging stations with existing Level 2 ports located on and designed to serve users of designated Alternative Fuels Corridors (AFC), as required under 23 CFR 680.
This Excel documentODOT EVC RAA Initially Eligible Site List.xlsx  includes the list of initially eligible charging stations with additional data from ODOT's preliminary research. However, this additional data is preliminary, and applicants must verify the data and compliance with program requirements themselves. 

Additionally, ODOT is currently exploring whether charging stations that have already been repaired are still eligible for this funding opportunity. 

  • Interstates 5, 84, 205, 405 and 82.  
  • US Highways 97, 101, 20, 26, 95 and OR Highway 42. 
Public Improvement  Projects
Certain Charging Stations will be considered Public Improvement Projects based on their location on Public Right of Way. Several public entities have expressed that they are interested in having eligible applicants apply on their behalf for EVC RAA funding. Please note that a grantee awarded a contract (grant agreement) for more than $50,000 that includes a charging station on Public Right of Way must obtain a performance bond and a payment bond, each in an amount equal to or greater that the full contract price, per Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 279C. 

Program details 

Requirements for repairing or upgrading charging stations 

Charging stations must meet all requirements outlined in Title 23 Federal Code of Regulations 680.  High-level requirements include: 

  • At least 4 charging ports per station. 
  • 97% average uptime (i.e. working.) 
  • Standardized payment methods. 
  • Real-time information on location, pricing and availability. 
  • Accessible to people of all abilities.  
  • Benefits disadvantaged communities following federal Justice40 rules. 


Fall 2024: Grant opportunity opens. 

Early 2025: Award grants. 

2025: Station work completed.  


ODOT invited participants of the pre-applicantion webinar to submit comments for ODOT to consider. The comments recieved expressed concern regarding the possibility of requiring a Letter of Credit for the program. After further research and deliberation, ODOT has decided to adopt alternative risk-mitigation stategies, and ODOT will not require a Letter of Credit for this program. 

The comments submitted to ODOT as of August 1, 2024: EVgo CommentKunert Electric Comment.

July 2024 webinar archive 

We held an informational webinar for potential eligible applicants on July 24, 2024. The recording of the webinar can be found below.

News release archive 

Why we are investing in EV charger repairs and station upgrades 

A reliable public charging experience is critical to speed EV adoption rates and foster confidence among EV drivers throughout Oregon. If more people can imagine an EV fitting into their daily lives, then they may consider an EV for their next vehicle purchase. 

Helping spur the transition to EVs is one of the ways we’re working with other state agencies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation. Our data says that by 2050, we’ll reduce emissions by about 60%. Learn how we’ll get there on our transportation emissions webpage