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Distracted Driving
Park Your Phone - Distracted Driving is Illegal Banner
DMV - Transportation Safety Office Distracted Driving Program webpage
Impaired Driving
Police Traffic Enforcement
Addressing risky driver behavior such as speeding is one of five pillars in the national roadway safety strategy.
For more information, visit the NHTSA Speeding Wrecks Lives campaign webpage.
DMV - Transportation Safety Office Police Traffic Enforcement Program webpage
Pedestrian Safety
Safety Belts
Join The Click. Buckle up - every trip, every time.
For information, please visit the NHTSA Traffic Safety Marketing page on the Click It or Ticket enforcement campaign.
DMV - Transportation Safety Office Safety Belts and Child Seats Program webpage
Resources for Partnering with State Highway Safety Offices
Countermeasures That Work: A Highway Safety Countermeasure Guide for State Highway Safety Offices,11th Edition, 2023Governor's Highway Safety AssociationOregon Impact Badge Data TSO Addendum
Badge 2 BadgeNational Highway Safety Administration2022 - 2023 NHTSA CalendarsNational Safety CouncilOregon ImpactTraffic Safety Marketing
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