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Distracted Driving

​Distraction occurs when a driver diverts attention to something not related to driving that uses the driver's eyes, ears, hands or mind.

There are four types of driver distraction:

  • Visual - looking at something other than the road
  • Auditory - hearing something not related to driving
  • Manual - handling something other than the steering wheel
  • Cognitive - thinking about something other than driving

Most distractions involve more than one of these types, both a sensory - eyes, ears or touch - and a mental component.

Oregon Distracted Driving Statistics

  • “Distracted Driving” is a dangerous behavior for drivers, passengers, and non-occupants alike. Distraction is a specific type of inattention that occurs when drivers divert their attention from the driving task to focus on some other activity instead (per NHTSA).​
  • From 2017-2021 there were 26,264 crashes resulting in 194 fatalities and 24,264 injuries caused by crashes involving a distracted driver in Oregon (all ages).
  • From 2017-2021 there were 2,005 crashes, resulting in 15 fatalities and 1,775 injuries caused by drivers reported to have been using a cell phone at the time of the crash. 
  • From 2017-2021 there were 125 crashes involving a driver aged 16-18 reported to have been using a cell phone at the time of the crash: 0 fatalities and 188 people injured. 
  • From 2017-2021 there were 60,519 convictions for this offense.

Convictions for using a mobile electronic device 2017-2021

2017 - 8,748
2018 - 13,086
2019 - 16,668
2020 - 10,255
2021 - 11,762
Total - 60,519

  • From 2017-2021 There were 31 crashes involving, but not limited to a Pedestrian, using a cell phone: 3 fatalities and 28 people injured.
  • From 2017-2021 There were 6 crashes involving, but not limited to a Pedal-cyclist, using a cell phone: 0 fatalities and 6 people injured.

Bend - Distracted Driving Survey Complete Final Repor​t
Roseburg - Distracted Driving Survey Final Report

The updated Oregon distracted driving law; also referred to as the cell phone law, went into effect October 1, 2017.

Oregon’s basic law, ORS 811.507,​ says it is illegal to drive while holding and using a mobile electronic device while driving (e.g. cell phone, tablet, GPS, laptop).

As of January 1, 2018, courts have the ability to waive the fine for first-time offenders who attend an approved Distracted Driving Avoidance course.

There are some exceptions, but for the most part, it’s best to just turn off your device when you are driving. Here are a few cases where the new law does not apply:
  • When using hands-free or built-in devices, if you are 18 years of age or older.
  • Use of a single touch or swipe to activate or deactivate the device.
  • When parked safely, i.e., stopped in a designated parking spot. It is NOT legal to use the device when stopped at a stop light, stop sign, in traffic, etc.
  • While providing or summoning medical help and no one else is available to make the call.
  • Tow truck or bus drivers following the federal rules for CDL holders.
  • When using a two-way radio if you are a CB user, school bus driver, utility truck driver in scope of employment.
  • If you are a HAM radio operator age 18 years or older.

​ Violations updated, too

A first offense that doesn’t contribute to a crash is a Class B violation with a maximum fine of $1,000. A second offense, or if the first offense contributes to a crash, is Class A violation with a maximum fine of $2,000. A third offense in ten years is a Class B misdemeanor and could result in a maximum fine of $2,500 fine and could be 6 months in jail.

For a first offense that does not contribute to a crash, the court may suspend the fine* if the driver completes an approved distracted driving avoidance class, and shows proof to the court, within four months. *Only the fine is suspended - the violation will still be recorded on the offender's driving record.

​For more details, please see the linked documents below:

2017 House Bill 2597 - Relating to the offense of operating a motor vehicle while using a mobile electronic device; creating new provisions; amending ORS 811.507; and declaring an emergency.​

2018 House Bill 4116 - Relating to the offense of driving a motor vehicle while using a mobile electronic device; creating new provisions; amending ORS 811.507 and section 5, chapter 629, Oregon Laws 2017; and declaring an emergency.​

Oregon Revised Statute 811.507​ - Operating motor vehicle while using mobile electronic device.

A Distracted Driving Avoidance Course (DDAC) may be available to drivers who have received a citation for distracted driving. A judge will have a list of approved providers and may recommend that a driver take the course. It is up to the judge’s discretion which provider is chosen. The court may suspend the fine (not the violation) if, within 4 months, the driver completes an approved distracted driving avoidance course. If you have been issued a citation and you are interested in taking a course, please contact the agency that issued the citation.

Important Notes

•  A distracted driving avoidance course is only for a person’s first conviction of driving a motor vehicle while using a mobile electronic device.

•  The course must be completed within 120 days of sentencing (the date of conviction).

•  The course must be 90 minutes or more in length.

•  A course may be either in the classroom or online.

•  Participants must pass the course with a minimum of 80%.

•  The DDAC is not a diversion as the violation will not be removed from the driver’s record. 

Related Documents

Distracted Driving Avoidance Course Division 20 Oregon Administrative Rules
Distracted Driving Avoidance Course Curriculum Checklist
Distracted Driving Avoidance Course Approved Provider Application

The Oregon Department of Transportation is actively working to raise awareness about the dangers of distracted driving. This is being done through public services ads, education and agency partnerships.  

The Transportation Safety Office offers free booklets, brochures, posters, stickers, and other materials designed to promote safe driving, biking and walking.  

Visit the Transportation Safety Print Materials page to see a full listing of available transportation safety materials.

2024 Airport Ads

Avoid Fines Stop Crashes Save Lives 1920 x 1080 - pdf
Avoid Fines Stop Crashes Save Lives Backlit 49.25 x 39.25 - pdf
Avoid Fines Stop Crashes Save Lives Billboard 10.6 x 24 - pdf
Avoid Fines Stop Crashes Save Lives Wall Diorama 60 x 60 - pdf
Avoid Fines Stop Crashes Save Lives Kiosk 1080 x 1920 - pdf
Avoid Fines Stop Crashes Save Lives Banner 1920 x 360 - pdf
Lives Are in Your Hands Billboard 12 x 40 - pdf

2023 Distracted Driving Public Service Announcements

Imagine Radio PSA - 30 seconds - mp3
Imagine TV PSA - 15 seconds - YouTube
Imagine TV PSA - 30 seconds - YouTube
"Never Worth It" TV PSA - 15 seconds - YouTube video
"Never Worth It" TV PSA - 30 seconds - YouTube video​

2023 Poster

2023 NASCAR and Grand Prix Horizontal Banner - pdf​
2023 NASCAR and Grand Prix Vertical Poster 24 x 36 - pdf

2022 Airport Ads​

2022 Park Your Phone - 3 x  8 - Eugene - pdf
2022 Park Your Phone - 33.5 x 79 - Eugene - pdf
2022 Park Your Phone - Backlit - 49.25 x 39.25 - Medford - pdf
2022 Park Your Phone 60 x 60 - Portland - pdf 


2022 Park Your Phone - pdf
Park Your Phone - Denim
 - pdf
Park Your Phone - Backpack - pdf
Park Your Phone - Computer Bag - pdf
Park Your Phone - Purse - pdf


Distracted Driving - Eyes on the Road - Stock #330575
It Costs to Drive - Distracted Driving in Oregon - Stock #330582   

Digital Ads

Park Your Phone - Backpack - horizontal - pdf
Park Your Phone - Computer Bag - horizontal - pdf
Park Your Phone - Backpack - pdf
Park Your Phone - Computer Bag - pdf

Social Media Ads

2022 Park Your Phone - Key - pdf
Park Your Phone - Denim - pdf
Park Your Phone - Purse - pdf
Park Your Phone - Backpack - pdf

Pandora Ad

Park Your Phone - Denim 500 x 500 - pdf


Park Your Phone Version 1 - 30 seconds - mp3
Park Your Phone Version 1 - 60 seconds - mp3
Park Your Phone Version 2 - 30 seconds​​ - mp3
Hands on the Wheel - 30 seconds (Spanish) - mp3

Spanish Media Ads

Guarda Tu Telefono Ad 1 - 300 x 250 - pdf
Guarda Tu Telefono Ad 2 - 300 x 600 - pdf
Guarda Tu Telefono Banner - 728 x 90 - pdf


ODOT Distracted Driving Safety Campaign Video Playlist - YouTube
Park Your Phone PSA for Instagram​ - 15 seconds​ - mp4
Spanish Language News Story Video - 2020 YouTube

Web Ads

Alexxysphoto of Alexxyss Therwhangers Therwhanger, age 19, was killed in a car crash on February 19, 2016 while she was driving home in eastern Oregon. Alexxyss was using her cell phone and lost control of her car, colliding with an oncoming vehicle and severely injuring two other people. Alexxyss would have just turned 20 on May 28, 2016.
To make drivers aware of the serious consequences of distracted driving, the Oregon Department of Transportation and Oregon State Police have produced a distracted driving TV PSA. The PSA features Alexxyss' mother in an effort to persuade drivers to pay attention and to drive without distractions, especially cell phones.
Alexxyss’ crashed car was enclosed in a trailer to spread awareness about distracted driving and encourage others to drive without distractions. The distracted driving trailer is available statewide, for more information contact 541-786-5915 ​.  



Kelly Kapri 
Program Manager
DMV - Transportation Safety Office
1905 Lana Avenue NE
Salem, OR 97314