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Reporting and Technical Resources

This page contains helpful information for fund recipients about STIF reporting and other requirements

The goal of this series is to provide you with helpful information related to components of the STIF program. Each Session will be recorded for later viewing, and attendance is optional but will give you a chance to engage directly with the presenter.

There will be an opportunity to submit a comment or question prior to each training, and we will create a Q&A resource with these questions and any asked during the training.

STIF Summer Training Series 2022.png

Making the Most of the Student Transportation Requirement, June 28 2022

STIF Formula fund recipients are required to spend at least one percent of funds received each year on transit services for students in grades 9 through 12. Join LeeAnne Fergason, ODOT's Safe Routes to School Program Manager, to learn some tips and tricks for connecting with your local schools so that you can make the most of this requirement.

Diversity in Contracting, July 6 2022

STIF fund recipients often combine funds with federal and local sources to contract for goods and services that support public transportation in our communities. Join Carroll Cottingham, ODOT's Intermodal Civil Rights Program Manager, to learn how intentional work to diversify who bids on your contracts will open the door to new approaches, create more competitive selections, and help you find better solutions in public contracting.

Navigating the New STIF Guidebook and Website, July 27, 2022 from 11:00-12:00

​Taking inspiration from the Special Transportation Fund (STF), ODOT staff have created a Guidebook for the STIF program to serve as the go-to resource for fund recipients, sub-recipients, their governing boards, advisory committees, and administrative staff. The STIF Guidebook is a summary of requirements and offers advice and resource to assist in managing the program.

Note: The STIF Guidebook will take the place of program guidance moving forward (for the Formula, Discretionary, and Statewide Transit Network programs) and will not be updated each biennium. Application instructions for each program will be updated for each solicitation cycle and will be posted separately.

ODOT staff have also made a few changes to the STIF website to make it easier to find information for each funding program. Join Maggie Charles, ODOT's STIF Formula Program Coordinator, to learn how to navigate these new resources in preparation for the upcoming solicitation cycle.

Note: This training will be pre-recorded with no live Q&A. Please use the comment/question form below to submit any comments or questions you have about this topic. This form will remain open until Friday, July 29 at which point all comments/questions will be compiled into the Q&A resource.

Incorporating Equity into Project Selection, August 30 from 11:00-12:00

Explore new terms and discuss strategies for assessing needs with Maggie Charles, STIF Formula Program Coordinator, and Patrick DePriest, STIF Intercommunity Program Coordinator. Please come prepared for a group discussion, and submit any comments or questions you have about this topic using the comment/question form below.
STIF Discretionary Application Walk-Through, September 28

Explore the ODOT Technical Resource Center, Date TBD

The Technical Resource Center (TRC)​ was created to assist public transportation providers in rural areas with training, planning, and information technology. Join Mel Hanna, Technical Resource Center Coordinator, to learn more about how to use the tools and resources offered through the TRC.

One percent of STIF Funds support the creation and maintenance of the Technical Resource Center (TRC). The TRC is intended to help Oregon's transportation agencies find resources for public transportation planning, technology and training, including implementation resources for Oregon Public Transportation Plan (OPTP) goals, policies and strategies. The tools and resources offered through the TRC are guided by the OPTP, which establishes the statewide vision for Oregon public transportation. 

The Public Transportation Division designed the TRC to help Oregon's transportation agencies find resources for public transportation planning and implementation that they can adopt. The TRC website includes a digital library of public transportation reports, articles, and white papers that provide a deeper analysis on complex topics related to planning and implementation. Some topics covered in these resources include: eFare expansion, transportation technology, regional connections and land use, transportation coordination, and the role of the private sector in public transportation.

For general Technical Resource Center support, please ​ Email Phil Paulson, 971-701-1464

Application Guidance Training, Jul. 2024​
Application Review
Recipient Reporting
​​OPTIS Upgrades and SPR Demonstration Training


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STIF Program Coordinator

Email Jillian TrinkausEmail
Statewide Intercity Network Coordinator

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STIF Fund Coordinator

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Technical Resource Center Coordinator

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