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U.S. 20: Empire to Greenwood PHASE 1 (Mervin Sampels - Greenwood)

Project Completed

Region 4: Central Oregon (Bend, Deschutes)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This project will improve mobility, access, and safety for motorists, transit riders, pedestrians, and bicyclists, while upgrading, aging infrastructure.​



​​Project Development: 2016 - 2023
Construction: Fall 2021 - November 2023​



This section of U.S. 20 between Mervin Sampels south to Greenwood Avenue is part of a primary arterial running through the city of Bend. The pavement along this corridor is showing severe rutting and wear, causing safety and operational issues. Several of the existing traffic signals within the corridor are beyond their functional design life. Furthermore, the corridor has incomplete or insufficient sidewalk and bike lanes in many locations for pedestrians and bicyclists. 

The current scope of the project includes the following elements: 

  • Pavement preservation on U.S. 20 (3rd Street) from Mervin Sampels south to Greenwood Ave;
  • Rehab and infill sidewalks, bike lanes, and/or bicycle-pedestrian paths along U.S. 20 from Mervin Sampels to Greenwood Ave, build new ADA curb ramps where they do not exist; 
  • Rebuild/replace existing ADA curb ramps to current ODOT requirements;
  • Replace and upgrade existing traffic signals (these upgrades include adding optimized detection, illumination devices, improved geometric roadway design, storm water management, and new ADA curb ramps and pedestrian equipment that meet current ODOT requirements); 
  • Upgrade and improve transit pedestrian infrastructure including bus stop locations with ADA compliant loading/unloading zones and connecting sidewalks;
  • Upgrade signs in the corridor to current ODOT requirements; 
  • Construct new marked crosswalks with pedestrian refuge medians at Seward Ave, and pedestrian refuge medians with Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at U.S. 20/3rd Street at Vail and U.S. 20/Greenwood at 6th Street;
  • Construct Bend ITS Central Signal System and Bend Communication Backbone fiber upgrades connecting signals along the corridor; 
  • Implement first phases of the U.S. 97 Bend North Corridor Project by constructing​ a new traffic signal at U.S. 20 at Mervin Samples Road. 


U.S. 20 |

​Highway 20/3rd Street from Empire Blvd. to Greenwood Ave. in Bend​

Cost and Funding

​​$17 million


​This project will accomplish the following key objectives: 
  • Preserve the asphalt pavement on 3rd Street.
  • Remove barriers to make the corridor easier and safer to use for bicyclists, pedestrians, and people with disabilities.
  • Upgrade all ADA curb ramps and pedestrian activated signals to current ODOT requirements.
  • Construct new ADA curb ramps where missing. 
  • Replace aging traffic control signals including mast arms, poles, lights, controllers, and detection devices.
  • Construct a new traffic signal and city street to provide local connectivity.
  • Improve storm water management.
  • Construct Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) infrastructure to improve traffic efficiency and safety. 



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    Meghan Blyth
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    Last Updated

    7/8/2024 10:21 AM

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    Project Documents

    Related documents to this project
    21483_US20_Mervin Sampels-Greenwood PIP.pdfUpdated project information paper (PIP)