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Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Inspections

General Info

A VIN inspection is a physical examination of your vehicle to verify the VIN on your vehicle matches the title or ownership document.
You can have a VIN inspection done by:
The VIN inspection fee is $9.

You must get a VIN inspection for:
  • Out-of-state or out-of-country titled vehicles;
  • Vehicles being titled for the first time as totaled and assembled, reconstructed or replica;
  • Vehicles being titled for an additional occurrence as totaled and assembled, reconstructed or replica;
  • Any vehicle with a title surrendered under ORS 819.010, 819.012, 819.014 or 819.030 (including recovered stolen vehicles that are not totaled due to damage); or
  • Oregon salvage-titled vehicles when applying for a regular Oregon title.  

If your vehicle is in another state, the VIN inspection can be done by:

  • The other state's DMV (does not include businesses under contract with DMV, or other agents that are not directly employed by DMV)​; or
  • A​ law enforcement officer; or
  • Military police, a commanding officer, or a provost marshal for military personnel. 
The inspection form can be:
Oregon does not charge a fee for inspections done in another state, though the state doing the inspection may charge you a fee.

Only contact Oregon State Police (OSP) for a VIN inspection if DMV gave you a VIN inspection form with a “Referred to OSP” stamp.  

You must have an appointment to get an inspection at any OSP location.  Use the list below to find a location near you, then call their office to make an appointment.


​When (appointment always required)
​Every other Friday 10am-3pm
​Based on Trooper availability
​Baker City
​Based on Trooper availability
​Based on Trooper availability
​Central Point
​Second Tuesday of each month 9am-2pm
​Coos Bay/Gold Beach
​Based on Trooper availability
​Based on Trooper availability
​Grants Pass
​Based on Trooper availability
​Klamath Falls
​Based on Trooper availability

​Based on Trooper availability
​Based on Trooper availability
​Based on Trooper availability
​Fridays 8:30am-4:30pm
​Based on Trooper availability
​Based on Trooper availability
​Mon-Fri 8am-5pm
​Every other Wednesday 7:30am-2:30pm
​Based on Trooper availability
​Fridays 8am
​Every other Friday afternoon
​Fridays 9am-12:00pm
​The Dalles
​Based on Trooper availability
​Based on Trooper availability

Watson Assistant
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