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Lemon Law Buyback

Manufacturers and Dealers

Oregon's consumer warranty law (ORS 646A.404) requires manufacturers to notify DMV that a vehicle must be branded "Lemon Law Buyback" when they have repurchased and titled the vehicle in their name.  Manufacturers and dealers acting as the manufacturer's agent must signify "Lemon Law Buyback" in the "Remarks" section of the application for title. 
Manufacturers and later sellers must also notify the buyer of the status of the vehicle with the following statement accompanying the transaction:
Lemon Law Buyback Statement 
A statement signifying the buyer, lessee or transferee has received and understands the notice must have a space for their signature.
Note: DMV does not require a copy of the statement


The law requires the seller of a vehicle with a Lemon Law Buyback notation in the Title Brands box to notify the buyer of the vehicle defect.  This notification must be the statement:
Lemon Law Buyback Statement 
A statement showing the buyer has received and understands the notice must have a space for their signature.  For example:
Signature Line 
DMV does not provide a form for supplying the signed statement to the buyer. 
Note: DMV does not require the signed statement to be submitted with the application for title.   

Watson Assistant