If you are involved in a traffic collision, you must do all of the following:
Stop Immediately
Stop at the collision scene or as close as possible without blocking or endangering other traffic.
Following a traffic collision, you must carry out the duties of a driver.
Below are links to Oregon law that outline legal duties:
- ORS 811.700 outlines duties of a driver when property is damaged.
- ORS 811.705 outlines duties of a driver to injured persons.
Render Aid
Give aid to injured people. Remember, never move injured people carelessly. In many cases, they should not be moved at all except by emergency staff or someone trained in first aid. If someone is killed or unconscious, the driver must remain at the scene until a police officer arrives.
Exchange Information (printable checklist to keep in your car)
Give your information to the other driver, passengers in the vehicle, or any injured pedestrian. Include the following information:
- Name
- Address
- Driver license number
- License plate number
- Insurance information
Report the Collision to DMV (instructions above)