What is the DBE Advisory Committee?
In September 2020, the Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC) allocated funds for a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Advisory Committee that would identify and address the barriers that impact DBE’s in Oregon.
The initial cohort of the DBE Advisory Committee met from September 2022 through July 2023. This group built on previous work to identify barriers that DBE firms face when contracting with the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT). A second cohort was launched in Fall 2023 to pick up the work that the first cohort started. Future cohorts will continue this work, while also monitoring ODOT's progress toward implementing recommendations from prior cohorts and other similar efforts.
Our Goals
The goal of the DBE Advisory Committee is to prioritize challenges and barriers faced by DBE certified firms when contracting with ODOT and to share with ODOT recommendations to address these barriers.
- To determine availability and capacity of DBE firms in ODOT's relevant market area.
- To determine challenges and barriers for DBE firms in ODOT's solicitation and contracting process.
- To identify other possible contracting disparities between the availability and the utilization of ready, willing and able firms to participate in contracts for goods and services related to the operations, maintenance and construction of highways, bridges and other related transportation facilities in the state of Oregon.
- To review work of the prior cohort, including revisiting the list of barriers faced by DBE firms and assessing progress made toward reducing those barriers.
- To present a prioritized list of recommendations to ODOT to evaluate for implementation.
- To develop DBE specific supportive services to address identified barriers.
- To establish a long-term legacy for future cohorts so the DBE Advisory Committee may serve as an on-going resource for ODOT and the Oregon DBE community.