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Walkway Engineering

image of a bike path with a pedestrian walkway and crossingAn accessible path of travel is required on walkways to ensure an equitable transportation system and to provide transportation options for all users. Maintenance of the accessible path is also required once constructed.  The following documents explain the requirements related to walkways for site arrival points and destinations.  


  • Highway Design Manual, Part 800, Pedestrian Design and Appendix L, Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Design Guide
  • RD700 series – Curbs, Islands, Sidewalks and Driveway
  • MG 14-04 - Permitting Requirements for City Sidewalk Closures

Contact the ADA Engineering Team

4040 Fairview Industrial Drive SE, MS 5
Salem, Oregon 97302
Phone: 503-986-3568
Fax: 503-986-3749

Program Contacts

Pam Johnson, PE
Phone: 503-354-7213