Transit services provide a critical public service for people to complete a trip destination. Transit services stops requires a clear accessible area to board and exit the vehicle. Accessible routes must be provided from the transit stop to features including benches, shelters, ticket stations, parking lots and public buildings.
Transit Stops
Transit stops are defined in PROWAG as an area that is designated for passengers to board or alight from buses, rail cars, and other transportation vehicles that operate on a fixed route or scheduled route, including bus stops and boarding platforms. This definition does not include intercity rail except where a stop is located in the public right-of-way.
Boarding Platform
Boarding Platform is defined in PROWAG as a platform raised above standard curb height used for transit vehicle boarding and alighting.
“Alteration of a transit stop means a change to or an addition of a transit stop, or a part thereof, in an existing, developed public right of way that affects or could affect pedestrian access, circulation, or usability.” When an alteration occurs compliance with the accessibility standards is required to the maximum extent feasible.
Alterations include but are not limited to the following construction activities:
- Reconstruction of the existing transit stop.
- The addition of a new transit shelter.
- The addition of a new bench, fare vending machine, or a transit sign that identifies a stop, or route.
- Reconfiguring the interface of a transit stop with the street or sidewalk network such as floating bus stop.
- Adding prepared surface for boarding and alighting.
- Rearrangement of transit stop elements, such as benches or fare vending machines.
Normal maintenance such as painting or replacing damaged items are not alterations.
Technical Requirements
US DOT adopted PROWAG effective January 17,2025 for new construction and alterations of transit stops in the public right of way.
Many of the accessibility requirements are already described in the Highway Design Manual. Updates to the Highway Design Manual will be forthcoming in the 2026 update as it pertains to the final rule and transit stops.
Please note, a boarding and alighting area is required for each accessible transit vehicle entry/exit at a sidewalk or street-level transit stops. In alterations, boarding and alighting areas and boarding platforms shall be connected to existing pedestrian circulation paths by pedestrian access routes.
The following document explains requirements related to transit service.
- RD902 – Detectable Warning Placement Details
- RD908 – Detectable Warning Placement Rail