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Oregon Department of Human Services Search Site

APD Licensing Updates

Oversight of long-term care providers includes specialized programs for close monitoring and regulatory action that can restrict new admissions.

State and federal regulations prioritize the health, welfare, safety and rights of residents.

Facilities with regulatory actionsFacilities with additional oversightReport abuse or complaintsResourcesEmail us

These lists are updated weekly on Wednesdays.

Facilities with regulatory actions

Listed below are licensed nursing, residential care, assisted living facilities and adult foster homes with the following types of regulatory actions in process:

  • Condition with a Restriction on Admissions (ROA) for nursing, residential care and assisted living facilities: Issued when a compliance violation poses a risk that it is likely to cause serious injury, serious harm, serious impairment, or death to future residents.
  • Condition with a Restriction on Admissions (ROA) for adult foster homes: Issued when a compliance violation threatens the current residents of the home and admitting new residents would compound that threat.
  • Order of Immediate Suspension: Imposed when continued operation poses a serious danger to the health and safety of the public. For adult foster homes, a suspension may also be imposed when abuse, neglect or exploitation causes an immediate threat to any of the residents.

Providers have the right to contest the regulatory actions listed on this site. Contested cases may result in APD’s findings being reversed. The safety requirements listed in a regulatory action are enforced while providers contest the action. Providers shown with an asterisk (*) have requested a contested case hearing. APD will withdraw a restriction on admissions when violations have been corrected and no longer pose a risk of serious injury, serious harm, serious impairment, or death to future residents or, for adult foster homes, when resident safety is no longer threatened.

Information on all other sanctions, including other license conditions, civil penalties and survey history can be found on the ODHS Licensed Long-Term Care Compliance website.

Facilities with additional oversight

Facilities listed are either part of the Special Focus Facilities program through the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services or APD's Facilities with Enhanced Oversight and Supervision program due to a history of being out of compliance with licensing requirements.

Provider types

  • Adult Foster Home (AFH) – Single family residences offering 24-hour care in a homelike setting.
  • Assisted Living Facility (ALF) – A facility where individuals can live independently while receiving help with daily activities.
  • Nursing Facility (NF) – A specialized setting providing 24/7 medical care and support for individuals with serious health conditions.
  • Residential Care Facility (RCF) – A facility offering more personal care and supervision for individuals with greater care needs.

  • Note: Memory Care is not a separate license type. Facilities must meet additional requirements to earn a Memory Care endorsement as part of their existing license.

Report abuse or complaints

If you see or suspect adult abuse, call 855-503-SAFE (7233).

​Nursing facility complaint

Residential care or assisted living facility complaint

Adult foster home complaint

  • Contact your local ODHS off​ice (Aging and People with Disabilities office or Area Agency on Aging)



If you have questions, please email