0:00:00.199,0:00:04.440 [Olivia} And 0:00:01.480,0:00:08.000 today. Today we're going to be doing a 0:00:04.440,0:00:12.000 presentation on CRS or the Centralized 0:00:08.000,0:00:14.960 Reporting System. And our colleague, Sarah, 0:00:12.000,0:00:17.560 is here today to present. And the focus 0:00:14.960,0:00:21.760 of today's training is going to be how 0:00:17.560,0:00:24.359 to access interim data in CRS and I'll 0:00:21.760,0:00:27.840 let, Sarah, take it away. Thank you so 0:00:24.359,0:00:30.840 much. [Sarah] Okay. Good morning. Um today and 0:00:27.840,0:00:33.120 welcome to the training module. Um this 0:00:30.840,0:00:34.879 training will be for interim assessments. 0:00:33.120,0:00:37.520 And today I'm going to go over the 0:00:34.879,0:00:39.960 functionality of CRS reporting system 0:00:37.520,0:00:42.960 for interims using demo 0:00:39.960,0:00:44.920 data. Um we're going to go over a lot. So 0:00:42.960,0:00:46.199 first we're going to do a brief overview. 0:00:44.920,0:00:48.199 Then we're going to talk about the 0:00:46.199,0:00:51.039 enhanced Teacher Assessment scoring 0:00:48.199,0:00:54.399 Center and how to um score assessments. 0:00:51.039,0:00:58.120 And then we will dive into the new item 0:00:54.399,0:01:02.199 analysis feature and test and item 0:00:58.120,0:01:04.400 resources. Um while. [Olivia}s-Sarah sorry 0:01:02.199,0:01:06.920 before you get the whole way in I forgot 0:01:04.400,0:01:08.720 to mention. [Sarah] Yes. [Olivia] If anyone has questions 0:01:06.920,0:01:10.680 please put them in the chat and we will 0:01:08.720,0:01:12.600 answer the questions in the chat. Sorry, 0:01:10.680,0:01:14.600 Sarah. Go ahead. [Sarah] No. It's okay. That was my 0:01:12.600,0:01:17.040 next point. Um I invite you to put any 0:01:14.600,0:01:19.759 questions in the chat at any time during 0:01:17.040,0:01:23.079 the presentation and someone from um 0:01:19.759,0:01:25.000 the Cambium team or ODE if the question is 0:01:23.079,0:01:28.600 policy related uh will 0:01:25.000,0:01:30.320 respond and um this is a reminder that 0:01:28.600,0:01:33.280 this training is based on the Reporting 0:01:30.320,0:01:35.799 System User Guide for um interm 0:01:33.280,0:01:36.799 assessments which is available um on 0:01:35.799,0:01:40.439 your 0:01:36.799,0:01:43.399 portal. And um without further ado I 0:01:40.439,0:01:47.399 believe you guys can see my 0:01:43.399,0:01:47.399 screen. Actually let me try 0:01:49.240,0:01:53.640 again. [Olivia] I can see your screen Sarah. [Sarah] Okay 0:01:52.079,0:01:57.439 you can see it. Great! 0:01:53.640,0:01:59.600 Um okay so just to ask I just wanted to 0:01:57.439,0:02:03.399 walk through like if I was a teacher or 0:01:59.600,0:02:07.640 a user to get to the reporting. 0:02:03.399,0:02:10.920 Um. To access the reporting website um 0:02:07.640,0:02:12.400 you go to your portal and you click on 0:02:10.920,0:02:14.480 um there a couple different ways, but you 0:02:12.400,0:02:17.760 could do users and then test 0:02:14.480,0:02:20.680 administrators and it's at the bottom. 0:02:17.760,0:02:22.599 And you click on it. And you are brought 0:02:20.680,0:02:25.840 to this 0:02:22.599,0:02:30.080 website. Um I'm going to be using the 0:02:25.840,0:02:32.200 DTC1 for this demo, but you um would the 0:02:30.080,0:02:33.959 email address associated with your TIDE 0:02:32.200,0:02:36.599 account and 0:02:33.959,0:02:39.280 password. 0:02:36.599,0:02:41.280 So once you log in you're brought to 0:02:39.280,0:02:42.920 this page. Um this is called the 0:02:41.280,0:02:46.680 dashboard generator page and there's a 0:02:42.920,0:02:48.720 couple sections. The first section is um 0:02:46.680,0:02:50.120 you'll find like the test group. Where 0:02:48.720,0:02:53.280 you can check the test that you want to 0:02:50.120,0:02:55.159 see data for. Um and then if you wanted 0:02:53.280,0:02:57.360 to look for a specific student you could 0:02:55.159,0:02:59.319 search for their ID here. And then 0:02:57.360,0:03:02.480 there's a feature and tools section over 0:02:59.319,0:03:06.840 here which you can um take some action 0:03:02.480,0:03:09.280 prior to like looking at data. Um so for 0:03:06.840,0:03:13.000 the sake of this demo I'm going to make 0:03:09.280,0:03:14.840 these my default and go to my 0:03:13.000,0:03:18.840 dashboard and then this is your 0:03:14.840,0:03:22.799 dashboard page. Um these squares are 0:03:18.840,0:03:25.040 called cards and they display uh they're 0:03:22.799,0:03:27.480 in order by dat the date of the test 0:03:25.040,0:03:29.959 taken so you can see interim assessment 0:03:27.480,0:03:33.080 block for mathematics. It's the date 0:03:29.959,0:03:36.239 taken is um October 8th. And then interim 0:03:33.080,0:03:39.120 science is October 5th. Interim ELA this 0:03:36.239,0:03:40.200 27th of September and then elpa screener 0:03:39.120,0:03:43.200 is the 0:03:40.200,0:03:43.200 23rd. 0:03:43.480,0:03:48.599 Um there within these cards there's 0:03:46.000,0:03:50.560 performance distributions and as you can 0:03:48.599,0:03:53.200 see if we look at inter mathematics if 0:03:50.560,0:03:56.640 you click the info icon. The red stands 0:03:53.200,0:04:00.120 right below uh the yellow at or near and 0:03:56.640,0:04:02.360 the green is above standard um and then 0:04:00.120,0:04:04.599 it has a percent of each and the number 0:04:02.360,0:04:04.599 of 0:04:04.879,0:04:10.120 students. 0:04:06.840,0:04:11.680 Um I feel like I'm going really fast um 0:04:10.120,0:04:14.519 but I'll keep going because I don't see 0:04:11.680,0:04:14.519 any questions or 0:04:14.560,0:04:18.759 anything. Uh for the sake of this 0:04:16.560,0:04:20.320 demonstration we're going to first look 0:04:18.759,0:04:22.079 at we're going to do the brief overview 0:04:20.320,0:04:23.360 of CRS and we're going to go look at an 0:04:22.079,0:04:25.680 interim 0:04:23.360,0:04:28.479 assessment. And so this is now the 0:04:25.680,0:04:30.639 performance un test page and on this 0:04:28.479,0:04:33.479 page. Um 0:04:30.639,0:04:37.240 you can see a lot of like all the tests 0:04:33.479,0:04:40.320 taken um the test groups, the test grade, 0:04:37.240,0:04:42.560 test reason, student count, um, average 0:04:40.320,0:04:45.320 score when it's for certain test and the 0:04:42.560,0:04:48.000 performance distribution, and date less 0:04:45.320,0:04:50.080 taken. Um. You can compare results to 0:04:48.000,0:04:52.360 aggregate State and District school data 0:04:50.080,0:04:55.240 from from this page depending on your 0:04:52.360,0:04:57.680 role. Um where I'm on the district level 0:04:55.240,0:05:00.120 user, so if in the 0:04:57.680,0:05:03.800 event, uh, anyone in the state had taken 0:05:00.120,0:05:05.280 this grade three ELA brief rates their 0:05:03.800,0:05:07.400 information would be below here, but 0:05:05.280,0:05:09.520 currently there are no students um who 0:05:07.400,0:05:11.400 have taken it 0:05:09.520,0:05:14.199 yet. 0:05:11.400,0:05:16.160 Um. You can also another feature is you 0:05:14.199,0:05:19.639 can download this data. So say you wanted 0:05:16.160,0:05:22.240 to export it. You click. Sorry. Go click 0:05:19.639,0:05:24.080 on the downward button here and choose 0:05:22.240,0:05:27.319 what type of report. If you want the 0:05:24.080,0:05:30.400 overall performance of my schools and 0:05:27.319,0:05:33.520 for this demonstration is a demo. It's ZZ 0:05:30.400,0:05:36.319 Cambium Training School one and I click 0:05:33.520,0:05:37.680 export assessment data. And then it would 0:05:36.319,0:05:40.520 check like 'are you sure you want to 0:05:37.680,0:05:43.120 expert this Grade three ELA Brief Writes 0:05:40.520,0:05:46.240 IAB overall tests recoring category 0:05:43.120,0:05:48.520 performance of all students?' Um for the 0:05:46.240,0:05:49.520 Cambium Training School as a PDF. And I 0:05:48.520,0:05:52.800 would say 0:05:49.520,0:05:54.280 'yes.' And it brings me to my Secure um 0:05:52.800,0:05:57.280 File 0:05:54.280,0:06:00.080 Center. 0:05:57.280,0:06:02.880 Um so for this example we are actually 0:06:00.080,0:06:06.680 going to go into the Grade three ELA 0:06:02.880,0:06:08.080 Brief writes. And once you click here 0:06:06.680,0:06:12.520 you're brought to the district 0:06:08.080,0:06:12.520 performance on test page. 0:06:13.120,0:06:18.880 Um. I am a District Level User, so if 0:06:16.240,0:06:22.319 you're a teacher you 0:06:18.880,0:06:24.960 would um you would see my students here 0:06:22.319,0:06:27.080 versus like my the district. So it's like 0:06:24.960,0:06:31.560 one uh slight 0:06:27.080,0:06:31.560 difference. And then um. 0:06:34.319,0:06:41.160 You can expand these items, so for the 0:06:37.240,0:06:42.960 Brief Writes IAB there are six questions 0:06:41.160,0:06:46.080 and it has the points for each question 0:06:42.960,0:06:49.240 underneath it. And the points that the 0:06:46.080,0:06:50.400 school for this example received at each 0:06:49.240,0:06:53.720 of the 0:06:50.400,0:06:56.240 questions. If I wanted to go further and 0:06:53.720,0:06:59.639 see the school performance on 0:06:56.240,0:07:01.319 test I now have like my school and then 0:06:59.639,0:07:04.120 the students not on any roster which 0:07:01.319,0:07:06.199 it's only one student. Um because this is 0:07:04.120,0:07:08.440 performance by roster and then I can go 0:07:06.199,0:07:12.479 performance by student which will show 0:07:08.440,0:07:16.720 me the students that took the test. And 0:07:12.479,0:07:18.960 expand. And I can also expand the 0:07:16.720,0:07:22.160 Standards Keys, which brings up the 0:07:18.960,0:07:22.160 Standard aligned to each 0:07:24.639,0:07:29.960 item. And I'm going to just click on this 0:07:26.960,0:07:29.960 student. 0:07:30.680,0:07:34.639 Okay. So now I'm at the student 0:07:32.599,0:07:38.080 performance page and I want to see how 0:07:34.639,0:07:41.879 this student did on a question. I can an 0:07:38.080,0:07:46.199 item I can just click on it and it the 0:07:41.879,0:07:46.199 Grade three ELA Brief Writes. 0:07:47.360,0:07:53.879 Um item and score. Sorry. Box will appear 0:07:50.440,0:07:56.080 and so this is the that starts with item 0:07:53.879,0:07:59.720 one and this is item and score and Rubik 0:07:56.080,0:08:02.639 and resources. So this is the item and 0:07:59.720,0:08:02.639 this is a student's 0:08:04.280,0:08:12.599 response. And 0:08:06.960,0:08:14.919 so if I wanted to um say as a scorer I 0:08:12.599,0:08:19.039 wanted to change the score. And if I 0:08:14.919,0:08:21.440 didn't believe it align to like this is 0:08:19.039,0:08:23.720 not. If I want to add a condition code 0:08:21.440,0:08:25.800 for say and I want to say none scorable 0:08:23.720,0:08:28.800 language. I could change that and push 0:08:25.800,0:08:28.800 save. 0:08:34.000,0:08:38.320 And then it will take a few minutes to 0:08:37.080,0:08:41.000 update in the 0:08:38.320,0:08:44.080 UI. Um but that is one way that you can 0:08:41.000,0:08:46.320 change scores when you're on the student 0:08:44.080,0:08:50.080 performance 0:08:46.320,0:08:53.880 page. So I'm just going to exit this real 0:08:50.080,0:08:56.920 quickly. Okay. So we are looking at each 0:08:53.880,0:08:58.480 item and there are additional resources 0:08:56.920,0:09:00.959 on this page. You can click on features 0:08:58.480,0:09:03.880 and tools and get get instructional 0:09:00.959,0:09:06.399 resources. And this will bring you to an 0:09:03.880,0:09:08.480 outside link. If when I click on it you 0:09:06.399,0:09:11.440 should 0:09:08.480,0:09:14.399 see um the smart tools and then the 0:09:11.440,0:09:14.399 interim assessment 0:09:15.399,0:09:19.240 portal. And the reason I'm going so 0:09:17.480,0:09:21.959 quickly um over this page because I know 0:09:19.240,0:09:23.240 you guys have have seen CRS before. And I 0:09:21.959,0:09:27.040 want to make sure to spend a lot of time 0:09:23.240,0:09:30.040 on this um scoring and item analysis 0:09:27.040,0:09:30.040 section. 0:09:30.160,0:09:36.839 So from here you can also download 0:09:32.399,0:09:43.079 student results. And you can do it as an 0:09:36.839,0:09:43.079 ISR. Um you click on your students push 0:09:43.120,0:09:49.240 generate and it will be in your Secure 0:09:46.360,0:09:52.120 File Inbox Center in the top right corner. 0:09:49.240,0:09:52.120 It just takes a few 0:09:52.160,0:09:56.560 minutes. Um for the sake of this down uh 0:09:55.079,0:10:00.959 presentation I did download it earlier 0:09:56.560,0:10:00.959 today. So it will look like this. 0:10:03.360,0:10:08.200 And it shows you 0:10:05.240,0:10:12.560 the ISR for the 0:10:08.200,0:10:12.560 student. And the points received for 0:10:18.000,0:10:21.959 each. And then you can also 0:10:22.279,0:10:31.320 download a Excel file, a CSV file, or a 0:10:26.760,0:10:31.320 text file. Um. 0:10:32.000,0:10:35.399 And that will go to your secure 0:10:53.639,0:10:58.920 inbox. Sorry. My Excel is not working at 0:10:56.200,0:11:02.079 the moment, but um you can download an 0:10:58.920,0:11:02.079 Excel with all the 0:11:02.320,0:11:05.600 data from 0:11:11.360,0:11:17.040 here. 0:11:12.880,0:11:19.760 Okay. So um moving on to the next section. 0:11:17.040,0:11:19.760 We're going to go 0:11:19.839,0:11:25.079 over the scoring of interim assessment. 0:11:23.519,0:11:27.519 So I'm just going to go back to my 0:11:25.079,0:11:29.519 dashboard and on this dashboard you'll 0:11:27.519,0:11:33.079 see there's a yellow box that says 0:11:29.519,0:11:36.399 test to score in the top right hand 0:11:33.079,0:11:38.959 corner. Um so most items are machine 0:11:36.399,0:11:41.120 scored um such as multiple choice multiple 0:11:38.959,0:11:43.720 select items, but some are specifically 0:11:41.120,0:11:45.639 the short answered uh constructed 0:11:43.720,0:11:47.800 response items must be hands scored by 0:11:45.639,0:11:47.800 the 0:11:47.959,0:11:54.440 educators. And 0:11:51.320,0:11:56.240 um for this demo we're going to look at 0:11:54.440,0:11:58.760 some hand scored items, so I'm going to 0:11:56.240,0:12:01.800 click on this test to score. And I'm 0:11:58.760,0:12:04.639 going to go to the Cambium Training 0:12:01.800,0:12:04.639 School 0:12:04.760,0:12:11.839 one. So now this screen you see is called 0:12:08.480,0:12:14.760 the Enhanced Teacher Assessment Scoring 0:12:11.839,0:12:16.560 Center. Um when you have assessments 0:12:14.760,0:12:18.160 waiting for item when you have 0:12:16.560,0:12:20.240 assessments awaiting item 0:12:18.160,0:12:21.880 scoring uh the test to score 0:12:20.240,0:12:24.399 notification appears and that what we 0:12:21.880,0:12:27.279 saw and we clicked on. And now we are in 0:12:24.399,0:12:30.920 the Enhanced Teacher Assessment Scoring 0:12:27.279,0:12:33.399 Center. It's called task for short. So now 0:12:30.920,0:12:34.880 by default um test scoring duties are 0:12:33.399,0:12:37.760 assigned to the user who administered 0:12:34.880,0:12:41.199 the test. However now this new scoring 0:12:37.760,0:12:43.480 mode offers more control over who scores 0:12:41.199,0:12:45.360 assessments. Um so now users will be able 0:12:43.480,0:12:47.160 to assign their own scoring duties to 0:12:45.360,0:12:49.760 other users and scoring administrators 0:12:47.160,0:12:53.000 will be able to reassign any scoring any 0:12:49.760,0:12:56.560 user scoring duties, so we're going to 0:12:53.000,0:12:58.720 click on this one right here. And you'll 0:12:56.560,0:13:03.320 see now this page on the test scoring 0:12:58.720,0:13:07.839 page there's an option to assign 0:13:03.320,0:13:10.199 the um assign the test. The assignee, the 0:13:07.839,0:13:14.240 student, the student ID, the date taken, 0:13:10.199,0:13:16.360 and so forth. Um as an administrator. I 0:13:14.240,0:13:17.880 did this ahead of time. You have to 0:13:16.360,0:13:20.600 assign it to yourself, but I'm just going 0:13:17.880,0:13:21.959 to show you. Um you click on the button 0:13:20.600,0:13:25.160 and you click 0:13:21.959,0:13:31.120 assign. And then you find your 0:13:25.160,0:13:31.120 name. Click it and if I want to put like um 0:13:37.320,0:13:42.720 just any note you can put a note and you 0:13:39.560,0:13:46.199 click assign and there now you'll see I 0:13:42.720,0:13:48.600 am able to score each 0:13:46.199,0:13:51.360 question. 0:13:48.600,0:13:53.440 Um. If all scoring administrators and 0:13:51.360,0:13:55.240 other users who have been assigned 0:13:53.440,0:13:57.519 scoring will easily be able to view all 0:13:55.240,0:13:59.320 Historical Notes on the test and 0:13:57.519,0:14:00.680 non-administrators will not be able to 0:13:59.320,0:14:02.040 give you any opportunities not assigned 0:14:00.680,0:14:04.680 to them. So if you're an administrator 0:14:02.040,0:14:06.519 you may assign opportunities um to 0:14:04.680,0:14:09.000 yourself or to anyone 0:14:06.519,0:14:10.639 else. So now we're going to enter the 0:14:09.000,0:14:13.519 scores for the unscored items so I'm 0:14:10.639,0:14:13.519 going to click on the first 0:14:14.160,0:14:19.920 one. And I've already put in um notes 0:14:17.360,0:14:22.560 from earlier today and previous days 0:14:19.920,0:14:24.279 just for um the sake of this 0:14:22.560,0:14:26.800 demonstration. It just says like I was 0:14:24.279,0:14:29.560 assigned this opportunity on the 8th and 0:14:26.800,0:14:30.720 on the 15th I wrote a note that this is 0:14:29.560,0:14:34.199 uh for a 0:14:30.720,0:14:35.320 demo. Here is the item below. Here is a 0:14:34.199,0:14:39.360 student's 0:14:35.320,0:14:41.320 response. And then from that you would 0:14:39.360,0:14:43.759 edit the score. 0:14:41.320,0:14:46.079 So I would for this example it's 0:14:43.759,0:14:48.120 insufficient text um because it said 0:14:46.079,0:14:50.000 just said test one, two, three and I'll 0:14:48.120,0:14:52.720 push 0:14:50.000,0:14:55.320 save. And then I can go to the next 0:14:52.720,0:14:57.800 item or I can if I'm not sure I can 0:14:55.320,0:15:00.480 always use my rubric and resources to 0:14:57.800,0:15:03.040 help me um 0:15:00.480,0:15:05.079 score the assessment. And there's also 0:15:03.040,0:15:09.759 additional resources with Exemplars and 0:15:05.079,0:15:09.759 a training guide. And for this 0:15:10.040,0:15:15.519 one the 0:15:11.800,0:15:24.120 Exemplar has the item and different 0:15:15.519,0:15:24.120 examples of scores and comments. It's um. 0:15:24.279,0:15:29.160 Oops and then the training guide. Another 0:15:27.240,0:15:32.360 document that is provided if you need a 0:15:29.160,0:15:32.360 assistance with 0:15:34.120,0:15:40.839 scoring. And then I can go to the next 0:15:38.279,0:15:42.160 item. And then I'll go back to my item 0:15:40.839,0:15:44.399 and 0:15:42.160,0:15:45.720 score. They have the same response, but 0:15:44.399,0:15:48.040 just for the sake of this demonstration 0:15:45.720,0:15:48.880 I'll just I'm going to put a number and 0:15:48.040,0:15:51.040 push 0:15:48.880,0:15:53.440 save. And I'm going to go through all 0:15:51.040,0:15:53.440 three 0:15:55.720,0:16:04.160 items. I'm sorry all six items. 0:15:59.680,0:16:04.160 I'm just doing different 0:16:07.079,0:16:11.040 values. And you can see the item number 0:16:09.199,0:16:14.480 in the top left 0:16:11.040,0:16:16.440 corner. So once you get to six. Or once 0:16:14.480,0:16:21.000 you get to the last one. Sorry. Item five 0:16:16.440,0:16:21.000 then you're done. And you can close this 0:16:21.560,0:16:26.600 window. And then it's really important 0:16:24.000,0:16:29.360 you have to submit your scores. So you 0:16:26.600,0:16:31.959 click on the check box here 0:16:29.360,0:16:33.639 and you click submit scores and do you 0:16:31.959,0:16:35.560 want to score submit alert do you want 0:16:33.639,0:16:37.279 to continue to submit and you say yes I 0:16:35.560,0:16:39.800 want to 0:16:37.279,0:16:42.040 continue. And now you don't see that test 0:16:39.800,0:16:43.759 anymore here because it's not um 0:16:42.040,0:16:46.639 awaiting for you it's not waiting for 0:16:43.759,0:16:46.639 you to hand score 0:16:48.399,0:16:53.319 it. So within in this enhanced task 0:16:51.920,0:16:55.880 there's now a new feature where you can 0:16:53.319,0:16:57.440 search for a student. Um if you're 0:16:55.880,0:16:59.360 looking for a particular student you can 0:16:57.440,0:17:01.000 search their ID. 0:16:59.360,0:17:02.680 And you can find the assessments to 0:17:01.000,0:17:05.600 score for that 0:17:02.680,0:17:08.360 student. And for this 0:17:05.600,0:17:10.360 example okay um this example I did not 0:17:08.360,0:17:13.079 yet assign anyone to score so you'll see 0:17:10.360,0:17:15.480 score is um grade out that's because it 0:17:13.079,0:17:19.760 needs to be assigned to someone. So I'll 0:17:15.480,0:17:19.760 click on it I'm going to assign it to 0:17:23.000,0:17:29.319 myself. And now you'll see I have access 0:17:25.480,0:17:29.319 to score each of these. 0:17:32.039,0:17:39.200 Are there any questions on this new 0:17:34.480,0:17:39.200 feature? The search and the assigning 0:17:39.799,0:17:49.320 scores. [Olivia] Uh, Sarah, we do have one question. 0:17:43.400,0:17:53.440 Um. Brigette Hayes, um was asking about the 0:17:49.320,0:17:56.000 Exemplars. And I'm not 100% sure 0:17:53.440,0:17:59.120 um, Brigette, what you mean by the 0:17:56.000,0:18:03.600 Exemplars. You talking. 0:17:59.120,0:18:03.600 [Sarah] These right here? [Olivia] Oh okay. Right here. 0:18:03.640,0:18:10.600 Yeah. Um if you click on that, Sarah. [Sarah] Uh huh. The 0:18:08.120,0:18:14.520 downloads. 0:18:10.600,0:18:16.400 [Olivia] Okay. The question is, um, are they 0:18:14.520,0:18:19.679 available 0:18:16.400,0:18:24.159 before the student takes the test? So 0:18:19.679,0:18:26.240 that they can use them when teaching the 0:18:24.159,0:18:29.320 student. 0:18:26.240,0:18:34.080 Um. [Sarah] It's a really, yeah, good question. [Olivia] I 0:18:29.320,0:18:34.080 would have to ask ODE. I'm not sure 0:18:34.520,0:18:40.520 um if that's the the way they'd like to 0:18:38.480,0:18:44.080 use those. Let me see if anyone else from 0:18:40.520,0:18:47.240 ODE is on this um webinar. And if not we 0:18:44.080,0:18:50.200 can take that back and ask them. [Sarah] Yeah. 0:18:47.240,0:18:50.200 That's a really good question, 0:18:53.440,0:18:58.799 though. I mean the training guide maybe. 0:18:59.720,0:19:06.919 [Crys] Olivia and Sarah, um Andy and Tony, are on, 0:19:03.480,0:19:06.919 so you might want to ask them that 0:19:10.559,0:19:15.080 question. [Andy] Yep. I heard. I'm in the process 0:19:13.480,0:19:16.559 of answering it in the chat. Sorry, I'm 0:19:15.080,0:19:18.200 late. I had some issues getting into the 0:19:16.559,0:19:21.039 Zoom meeting this morning and good 0:19:18.200,0:19:23.640 morning, all. [Sarah] Good 0:19:21.039,0:19:27.600 morning. Um. Any other questions on the 0:19:23.640,0:19:27.600 Enhanced um 0:19:29.120,0:19:31.960 Teacher Assessment 0:19:40.200,0:19:44.960 Scoring? No. Okay. Um now we're gonna look 0:19:43.840,0:19:47.080 at something a little bit different. 0:19:44.960,0:19:49.760 We're going to look at item analysis. A 0:19:47.080,0:19:52.360 new feature. So for this I'm going to 0:19:49.760,0:19:55.559 actually do math looking at a math test. 0:19:52.360,0:19:57.280 So the item analysis report is available 0:19:55.559,0:19:59.679 for every fixed form assessment that 0:19:57.280,0:20:02.559 reports item data at the District, school, 0:19:59.679,0:20:05.880 and class level. Um highlights of the 0:20:02.559,0:20:07.720 item analysis report include in include 0:20:05.880,0:20:09.880 item reporting category and standards 0:20:07.720,0:20:12.520 alignments. Item types, for example, 0:20:09.880,0:20:14.400 multiple choice. Um the percentage of the 0:20:12.520,0:20:17.200 groups who earn full partial or no 0:20:14.400,0:20:19.120 credit for each item. An item that does 0:20:17.200,0:20:21.640 not allow partial credit has a value of 0:20:19.120,0:20:23.640 N/A um instead of a percentage. And then 0:20:21.640,0:20:25.000 for multiple choice items the detailed 0:20:23.640,0:20:27.159 data includes the distribution of 0:20:25.000,0:20:28.679 students who selected each option each 0:20:27.159,0:20:31.960 option with the correct answer flagged 0:20:28.679,0:20:33.440 with a check mark. Um for items that are 0:20:31.960,0:20:35.000 not multiple choice or multiart the 0:20:33.440,0:20:37.760 detailed data includes the distribution 0:20:35.000,0:20:40.200 of points earned. So how do we get to 0:20:37.760,0:20:41.720 this new feature? Um. So to access a 0:20:40.200,0:20:42.840 report you need to be to the district 0:20:41.720,0:20:45.200 school or 0:20:42.840,0:20:46.840 roster. A performance on test, so I'm 0:20:45.200,0:20:49.480 going to just click on grade 8 0:20:46.840,0:20:51.440 Mathematics Geometry IAB. And right now 0:20:49.480,0:20:54.080 I'm on performance on test page, so if I 0:20:51.440,0:20:55.320 go over here I'm not going to see it. So 0:20:54.080,0:20:57.840 I need to click 0:20:55.320,0:20:59.720 on test and now I'm on the district 0:20:57.840,0:21:01.400 performance on test. And when I go 0:20:59.720,0:21:04.640 over to features and tools I will now 0:21:01.400,0:21:07.039 see it in the um get more 0:21:04.640,0:21:09.080 insights. So there's get instructional 0:21:07.039,0:21:11.000 resources, build item analysis, and break 0:21:09.080,0:21:13.120 down by. And we're going to click on 0:21:11.000,0:21:15.279 build item analysis 0:21:13.120,0:21:17.600 report. And what you'll see is a window 0:21:15.279,0:21:19.360 will pop up with item analysis. And 0:21:17.600,0:21:21.919 there's two tabs or summary and single 0:21:19.360,0:21:25.480 item view for the summary tab. We're 0:21:21.919,0:21:28.679 going to uh just start there. There I'm 0:21:25.480,0:21:32.600 going to look at example number nine. 0:21:28.679,0:21:36.159 Going to expand it. It has um that it was 0:21:32.600,0:21:38.559 a multiple choice test. 67% of the kids 0:21:36.159,0:21:42.919 received no credit. There was no partial 0:21:38.559,0:21:44.919 credit um allowed for this one. And 33% 0:21:42.919,0:21:49.440 received full credit. So what does that 0:21:44.919,0:21:52.600 mean? Um. The options are a, b, c, and d from 0:21:49.440,0:21:57.000 these. Uh. One student chose 'a.' One student 0:21:52.600,0:22:01.720 chose 'b.' One student chose 'c.' And no 0:21:57.000,0:22:04.039 one chose um option 'd.' So this is just 0:22:01.720,0:22:05.640 the breakdown of who answered what and 0:22:04.039,0:22:09.000 the correct 0:22:05.640,0:22:13.120 response. If I go to another 0:22:09.000,0:22:13.120 um multiple choice 0:22:13.630,0:22:17.960 0:22:15.159,0:22:20.000 question. Um. Here sorry it's number 11. 0:22:17.960,0:22:22.559 You'll see that like all three of them 0:22:20.000,0:22:25.559 got it correct. So they all chose 0:22:22.559,0:22:25.559 'c.' 0:22:26.080,0:22:31.360 Um. Sorry. Sorry they all chose 'c' which 0:22:29.640,0:22:34.400 was the incorrect answer. The correct 0:22:31.360,0:22:38.840 answer is 'd.' 'C' was the 0:22:34.400,0:22:40.360 um the distractor. So you might ask okay 0:22:38.840,0:22:43.880 what was the question and what was 0:22:40.360,0:22:45.640 option 'c?' So you can click on the number 0:22:43.880,0:22:48.480 and it brings you to the single item 0:22:45.640,0:22:50.240 view. So here is the question and the 0:22:48.480,0:22:52.799 question is asking about the distance 0:22:50.240,0:22:55.440 between two points and the correct 0:22:52.799,0:22:57.400 answer was 'd' and most or all three 0:22:55.440,0:22:59.360 students who took this test to chose 0:22:57.400,0:23:01.360 option 'c.' 0:22:59.360,0:23:03.960 Um and then you can go to the rubric and 0:23:01.360,0:23:07.000 resources and they'll tell you exactly 0:23:03.960,0:23:11.000 like what um assessment target this is a 0:23:07.000,0:23:15.880 line to. And it this table will also 0:23:11.000,0:23:17.720 still show for your own um viewing so 0:23:15.880,0:23:20.240 this is on the single item view and if I 0:23:17.720,0:23:20.240 go back to the 0:23:21.400,0:23:26.720 summary. I can also download all this 0:23:24.240,0:23:29.200 information by ex clicking on 0:23:26.720,0:23:30.480 export. And if you want to basic or a 0:23:29.200,0:23:34.000 detailed 0:23:30.480,0:23:34.000 and I would do 0:23:34.320,0:23:39.320 detailed. Um just one moment as I try to 0:23:39.600,0:23:42.600 close. 0:23:48.120,0:23:55.480 Oh okay. Oh my 0:23:51.400,0:23:58.039 goodness. All right now hopefully it will 0:23:55.480,0:24:00.760 work. Yeah. Okay. So it just takes what you 0:23:58.039,0:24:02.880 saw and in the UI and and makes it into 0:24:00.760,0:24:05.080 an Excel 0:24:02.880,0:24:07.279 file for each 0:24:05.080,0:24:09.960 question and there's the 0:24:07.279,0:24:12.320 standard, the points, the 0:24:09.960,0:24:15.120 percentage, and the type of question. So 0:24:12.320,0:24:17.880 matching table, equation, editor, and so 0:24:15.120,0:24:17.880 forth. Multiple 0:24:20.799,0:24:26.159 choice. And also you can click on the 0:24:22.880,0:24:28.919 info to like see the Assessment Target 0:24:26.159,0:24:31.120 and more about the 0:24:28.919,0:24:31.120 the 0:24:31.960,0:24:35.559 standard. So we talked about multiple 0:24:34.320,0:24:36.919 choice, but say we want to look at one 0:24:35.559,0:24:40.080 that's not multiple choice. For example 0:24:36.919,0:24:45.080 number seven. This is an equation 0:24:40.080,0:24:48.559 editor. So all three students 0:24:45.080,0:24:51.600 um got zero points on this one. And so 0:24:48.559,0:24:54.000 you could open it up and see what um the 0:24:51.600,0:24:57.159 question 0:24:54.000,0:24:58.960 was. And it was about entering the height 0:24:57.159,0:25:02.520 so uh 0:24:58.960,0:25:05.640 using pythagorean theorem they would have to know 0:25:02.520,0:25:07.159 51213 um or finding another way. And so 0:25:05.640,0:25:09.520 you might ask, "Oh. What did the students 0:25:07.159,0:25:11.320 pick? What did those three students have?" 0:25:09.520,0:25:13.559 The way you would find that 0:25:11.320,0:25:16.000 out is actually you have to be on the 0:25:13.559,0:25:16.000 student 0:25:17.720,0:25:21.679 performance or school. Sorry. School 0:25:20.080,0:25:24.320 performance. So for these two students 0:25:21.679,0:25:26.080 you're looking at number seven. I would 0:25:24.320,0:25:28.440 click on 0:25:26.080,0:25:30.679 here. And you'd see the answer. The 0:25:28.440,0:25:33.679 student answered 0:25:30.679,0:25:35.120 one. For this student answered one and 0:25:33.679,0:25:39.559 you could go back here and see what this 0:25:35.120,0:25:39.559 student answered. This student answered 0:25:41.360,0:25:45.679 88. And you can also so if you want to go 0:25:43.840,0:25:48.080 back to your item analysis you can go to 0:25:45.679,0:25:51.640 features and tools build item analysis 0:25:48.080,0:25:53.279 report and you're back onto your screen 0:25:51.640,0:25:56.039 for item 0:25:53.279,0:25:57.840 analysis. But now you'll notice um the 0:25:56.039,0:26:01.760 numbers changed, because I'm on the 0:25:57.840,0:26:03.200 school performance, not the district. So 0:26:01.760,0:26:04.399 this is the school performance page and 0:26:03.200,0:26:06.200 as a district 0:26:04.399,0:26:08.520 coordinator I'm just going to go back to 0:26:06.200,0:26:10.159 my district. There's three kids total. But 0:26:08.520,0:26:12.760 if I just look at Oregon training school 0:26:10.159,0:26:12.760 there's only two 0:26:17.799,0:26:22.679 students. Um yeah we went over the single 0:26:20.200,0:26:25.919 item viewing already, but I can go over 0:26:22.679,0:26:27.520 it again really quickly. Um it's 0:26:25.919,0:26:29.279 important to know if this item view is 0:26:27.520,0:26:31.760 available for you can navigate, but it 0:26:29.279,0:26:34.279 might not always be available um for all 0:26:31.760,0:26:36.840 tests. 0:26:34.279,0:26:38.640 And you can also navigate between the 0:26:36.840,0:26:41.640 different items on this page. So right 0:26:38.640,0:26:44.520 now I'm on item two, but I can also go to 0:26:41.640,0:26:46.600 item three, four, and so forth. I don't 0:26:44.520,0:26:49.159 have to go back to the summary page to 0:26:46.600,0:26:52.159 um navigate between the 0:26:49.159,0:26:52.159 different 0:26:55.080,0:27:03.360 items. Any questions on this? 0:26:59.399,0:27:03.360 Show all details. I all details as 0:27:10.640,0:27:13.919 well. No 0:27:21.120,0:27:26.480 questions? Okay. 0:27:24.240,0:27:28.720 Um. Another thing we did talk about 0:27:26.480,0:27:32.279 briefly was the instructional resources. 0:27:28.720,0:27:34.080 And um you can also access them by going 0:27:32.279,0:27:36.840 to the features and tools and clicking 0:27:34.080,0:27:39.240 on get instructional resources and then 0:27:36.840,0:27:42.640 they'll bring you to 0:27:39.240,0:27:42.640 um different 0:27:44.080,0:27:51.880 resources. That you can 0:27:46.880,0:27:51.880 um use as a res like use as a 0:27:56.159,0:28:00.960 resource. Okay. I feel like I covered a 0:27:57.960,0:28:04.039 lot in 30 minutes. And um, Olivia, I can't 0:28:00.960,0:28:04.039 see the chat, but are there any 0:28:04.840,0:28:11.320 questions? [Olivia] Uh. Andy, just. Thank you, Andy, 0:28:08.080,0:28:13.159 just responded um to, Brigette Hayes, uh 0:28:11.320,0:28:15.200 with her question about the 0:28:13.159,0:28:17.919 Exemplars. Um and that's shared with 0:28:15.200,0:28:21.200 everyone, but other than that no more 0:28:17.919,0:28:22.960 questions. [Sarah] Okay. Um something I know that 0:28:21.200,0:28:25.240 uh we get asked a lot 0:28:22.960,0:28:27.720 about. I'm going just go back to the 0:28:25.240,0:28:31.919 dashboard. There is the change reporting 0:28:27.720,0:28:33.559 time period. Um. This allows you to view 0:28:31.919,0:28:35.320 test results from a previous point in 0:28:33.559,0:28:38.240 time. And there's two time report 0:28:35.320,0:28:39.679 settings. There is a school year when you 0:28:38.240,0:28:41.519 select a school year for which to view 0:28:39.679,0:28:43.360 test the report shows data for test 0:28:41.519,0:28:46.399 opportunities completed in the selected 0:28:43.360,0:28:47.919 school year. So if I'm looking at 2024-25. 0:28:46.399,0:28:50.440 I'm looking at tests completed in that 0:28:47.919,0:28:52.159 year. And then there's an option for view 0:28:50.440,0:28:54.960 stud results for students who belong to 0:28:52.159,0:28:56.440 me and had tested on. When you set a date 0:28:54.960,0:28:58.399 for which to view student the report 0:28:56.440,0:29:00.679 shows data only for the student who are 0:28:58.399,0:29:03.159 associated with you on the selected date. 0:29:00.679,0:29:07.159 And only for tests taken at of the and 0:29:03.159,0:29:09.360 only and only for tests taken um of that 0:29:07.159,0:29:13.000 of the same date. Students enrollment and 0:29:09.360,0:29:15.000 demographic information is all given um 0:29:13.000,0:29:16.679 as of the selected date as well. So you 0:29:15.000,0:29:18.320 can use a setting to view data for 0:29:16.679,0:29:21.240 students who have left or recently 0:29:18.320,0:29:22.840 entered your class school or district. 0:29:21.240,0:29:26.039 You can even view students who have left 0:29:22.840,0:29:26.039 your state. 0:29:28.159,0:29:32.840 So I think there's some confusion maybe 0:29:31.519,0:29:36.760 sometimes around this when you change a 0:29:32.840,0:29:40.200 reporting time period. What happens and 0:29:36.760,0:29:40.200 um what do you 0:29:42.200,0:29:46.159 see? Any questions on 0:29:52.559,0:29:57.720 this? No? Okay. Um. But like if you had a 0:29:56.279,0:30:00.799 student in your class and you wanted to 0:29:57.720,0:30:02.679 see their prior years data from last 0:30:00.799,0:30:04.679 year. You would change this to this year 0:30:02.679,0:30:07.240 and you want the students who are in 0:30:04.679,0:30:09.279 your current class to keep this as 0:30:07.240,0:30:11.080 today. Would be an example of how you 0:30:09.279,0:30:14.080 might want to use that as a teacher or 0:30:11.080,0:30:14.080 administrator.