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Plant Conservation

Download Listed Plants by County​​


​Species name

​Common name

​State status

Hackelia cronquistii
​Cronquist's stickseed
Lomatium erythrocarpum
​Red-fruited lomatium
​​Lupinus lepidus var. cusickii
​​Cusick's lupine
​​Pyrrocoma radiata
​Snake River goldenweed​
Rorippa columbiae
Columbia yellowcress​
​Thelypodium howellii ssp. spectabilis
​Howell's spectacular thelypody
​Delphinium pavonaceum
​Peacock larkspur
​Erigeron decumbens
​Willamette daisy
Howellia aquatilis
​Water howellia
Lathyrus holochlorus
​Thin-leaved pea
​Lomatium bradshawii
​Bradshaw's desert parsley
​Lupinus oreganus
​Kincaid's lupine
​Navarretia willamettensis
​Willamette navarretia
​Sidalcea nelsoniana
​Nelson's checkermallow
Sisyrinchium hitchcockii
​Hitchcock's blue-eyed grass
Delphinium leucophaeum
​White rock larkspur
Delphinium pavonaceum
​Peacock larkspur 
Erigeron decumbens
​Willamette daisy
Howellia aquatilis
​Water howellia
​Lathyrus holochlorus
​Thin-leaved pea
​Sericocarpus rigidus
​White-topped aster
Sidalcea nelsoniana
​Nelson's checkermallow
​Abronia umbellata var. breviflora
​Pink sandverbena
Howellia aquatilis
​Water howellia
Sidalcea nelsoniana
​Nelson's checkermallow
Abronia umbellata var. breviflora
​​Pink sandverbena
​Chloropyron maritimum ssp. palustre
​Point Reyes bird's-beak
​Gilia millefoliata
​Seaside gilia
Lilium occidentale
​Western lily
Phacelia argentea
​Silvery phacelia
​Lomatium ochocense
​Ochoco lomatium
Rorippa columbiae
Columbia yellowcress​
Abronia umbellata var. breviflora​
​Pink sandverbena
​Arabis mcdonaldiana
​McDonald's rockcress
Calochortus howellii
​Howell's mariposa lily
​Castilleja mendocinensis
​Mendocino coast paintbrush
Erigeron stanselliae
​Stansell's daisy
Gilia millefoliata
​Seaside gilia
Lasthenia ornduffii
Large-flowered goldfields​
Lilium occidentale
​Western lily
Microseris howellii
​Howell's microseris
​Oenothera wolfii
​Wolf's evening-primrose
Phacelia argentea
​Silvery phacelia
Astragalus peckii
​Peck's milkvetch
​Botrychium pumicola
​Pumice grape-fern
​Pinus albicaulis
​Whitebark pine
​Abronia umbellata var. breviflora
​Pink sandverbena
Calochortus coxii
​Crinite mariposa lily
Calochortus umpquaensis
​Umpqua mariposa lily
Eucephalus vialis
​Wayside aster
​Lathyrus holochlorus
​Thin-leaved pea
Lupinus oreganus
​Kincaid's lupine
​Meconella oregana
​White fairy poppy
​Plagiobothrys hirtus
​Rough popcornflower
​Sisyrinchium hitchcockii
​Hitchcock's blue-eyed grass
​Astragalus collinus var. laurentii
​Lawrence's milkvetch
​Astragalus diaphanus var. diurnus
​South Fork John Day milkvetch
​Thelypodium eucosmum
​Arrow-leaf thelypody
Eriogonum crosbyae
​Crosby's buckwheat
Rorippa columbiae
Columbia yellowcress​Endangered​
​Stephanomeria malheurensis
​Malheur wire-lettuce
​Hood River
Meconella oregana
​White fairy poppy
​Calochortus umpquaensis
​Umpqua mariposa lily
​Eucephalus vialis
​Wayside aster
Fritillaria gentneri
​Gentner's fritillary
​Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora
​Big-flowered wooly meadowfoam
​Limnanthes pumila ssp. pumila
​Dwarf meadowfoam
Lomatium cookii
​Cook's desert parsley
Meconella oregana
​White fairy poppy
Rorippa columbiae
​Columbia yellowcress
Pinus albicaulis
​Whitebark pine
Arabis mcdonaldiana
​McDonald's rockcress
Calochortus howellii
​Howell's mariposa lily
Calochortus indecorus
​Sexton Mountain mariposa lily
​Calochortus umpquaensis
​Umpqua mariposa lily
Eucephalus vialis
​Wayside aster
​Fritillaria gentneri
​Gentner's fritillary
Hastingsia bracteosa
​Large-flowered rush lily
Lomatium cookii
​Cook's desert parsley
​Microseris howellii
​Howell's microseris
​Plagiobothrys lamprocarpus
​Shiny-fruited allocarya
Astragalus applegatei
​Applegate's milkvetch
​Astragalus lemmonii
​Lemmon's milkvetch
Astragalus peckii
​Peck's milkvetch
​Botrychium pumicola
​Pumice grape-fern
Rorippa columbiae
Columbia yellowcress​
​Pinus albicaulis
​Whitebark pine
​Astragalus lemmonii
​Lemmon's milkvetch
Botrychium pumicola
​Pumice grape-fern
Eriogonum crosbyae
​Crosby's buckwheat
​Gratiola heterosepala
​Boggs Lake hedge hyssop
​Ivesia rhypara var. rhypara
​Grimy ivesia
Rorippa columbiae
Columbia yellowcress​
​Pinus albicaulis
​Whitebark pine
​Pleuropogon oregonus
​Oregon semaphore grass
​Abronia umbellata var. breviflora
​Pink sandverbena
​Delphinium pavonaceum
​Peacock larkspur
​Erigeron decumbens
​Willamette daisy
​Eucephalus vialis
​Wayside aster
​Lathyrus holochlorus
​Thin-leaved pea
​Lomatium bradshawii
​Bradshaw's desert parsley
​Lupinus oreganus
​Kincaid's lupine
​Navarretia willamettensis
​Willamette navarretia
Sericocarpus rigidus
​White-topped aster
​Sisyrinchium hitchcockii
​Hitchcock's blue-eyed grass
​Abronia umbellata var. breviflora
​Pink sandverbena
​Chloropyron maritimum ssp. palustre
​Point Reyes bird's-beak
​Gilia millefoliata
​ Seaside gilia
​Erythronium elegans
​Coast Range fawn lily
Castilleja levisecta
​Golden paintbrush
​Erigeron decumbens
​Willamette daisy
​Eucephalus vialis
​Wayside aster
​Lathyrus holochlorus
​Thin-leaved pea
​Lomatium bradshawii
​Bradshaw's desert parsley
​Lupinus oreganus
​Kincaid's lupine
​Sericocarpus rigidus
​White-topped aster
Sidalcea nelsoniana
​Nelson's checkermallow
​Sisyrinchium hitchcockii
​Hitchcock's blue-eyed grass
​Amsinckia carinata
​Malheur Valley fiddleneck
​Astragalus cusickii var. sterilis
​ Sterile milkvetch
​Astragalus mulfordiae
​Mulford's milkvetch
Collomia renacta
​Barren valley collomia
​Eriogonum chrysops
​Golden buckwheat
Hackelia cronquistii
​Cronquist's stickseed
​Ivesia rhypara var. rhypara
​Grimy ivesia
​Lepidium davisii
​Davis' peppergrass
Lomatium bentonitum
​Bentonite biscuitroot
Mentzelia mollis
​Smooth mentzelia
Mentzelia packardiae
​Packard's mentzelia
Monardella angustifolia
​Leslie Gulch monardella
​Pyrrocoma radiata
​Snake River goldenweed
Thelypodium howellii ssp. spectabilis
​Howell's spectacular thelypody
​Trifolium owyheense
​Owyhee clover​
​Castilleja levisecta
​Golden paintbrush
Delphinium leucophaeum
​White rock larkspur
​Delphinium pavonaceum
​Peacock larkspur
​Erigeron decumbens
​Willamette daisy
​Howellia aquatilis
​Water howellia
​Lathyrus holochlorus
​Thin-leaved pea
​Lomatium bradshawii
​Bradshaw's desert parsley
​Lupinus oreganus
​Kincaid's lupine
​Sericocarpus rigidus
​White-topped aster
​Sidalcea nelsoniana
​Nelson's checkermallow
​Astragalus collinus var. laurentii
​Lawrence's milkvetch
​Artemisia campestris var. wormskioldii
​Northern wormwood
Castilleja levisecta
​Golden paintbrush
​Delphinium leucophaeum
​White rock larkspur
Delphinium pavonaceum
​Peacock larkspur
​Howellia aquatilis
​Water howellia
Rorippa columbiae
​Columbia yellowcress
Sericocarpus rigidus
​White-topped aster
Delphinium pavonaceum
​Peacock larkspur
​Erigeron decumbens
​Willamette daisy
​Erythronium elegans
​Coast Range fawn lily
​Lathyrus holochlorus
​Thin-leaved pea
​Lupinus oreganus
​Kincaid's lupine
Sidalcea nelsoniana
​Nelson's checkermallow
Artemisia campestris var. wormskioldii
​Northern wormwood
​Astragalus collinus var. laurentii
​Lawrence's milkvetch

​Abronia umbellata var. breviflora
​Pink sandverbena
Chloropyron maritimum ssp. palustre
​Point Reyes bird's-beak
​Erythronium elegans
​Coast Range fawn lily
​Sidalcea nelsoniana
​Nelson's checkermallow
Silene douglasii var. oraria
​Cascade Head catchfly
Artemisia campestris var. wormskioldii
​Northern wormwood
Astragalus collinus var. laurentii
​Lawrence's milkvetch
Rorippa columbiae
​Columbia yellowcress
​Pleuropogon oregonus
​Oregon semaphore grass
​Thelypodium howellii ssp. spectabilis
​Howell's spectacular thelypody
Lomatium greenmanii
​Greenman's desert parsley
​Mirabilis macfarlanei
​Macfarlane's four o'clock
​Pyrrocoma scaberula
​Rough goldenweed
Silene spaldingii
​Spalding's campion
​Artemisia campestris var. wormskioldii
​Northern wormwood
Astragalus tyghensis
​Tygh Valley milkvetch
​Meconella oregana
​White fairy poppy
​Delphinium leucophaeum
​White rock larkspur
​Erigeron decumbens
​Willamette daisy
​Lathyrus holochlorus
​Thin-leaved pea
​Lupinus oreganus
​Kincaid's lupine
Penstemon hesperius
​Tall western penstemon
​Sidalcea nelsoniana
​ Nelson's checkermallow
​Thelypodium eucosmum
​Arrow-leaf thelypody
Delphinium leucophaeum
​White rock larkspur
​Erigeron decumbens
​Willamette daisy
Erythronium elegans
​Coast Range fawn lily
​Lathyrus holochlorus
​Thin-leaved pea
​Lupinus oreganus
​Kincaid's lupine
​Sidalcea nelsoniana
​Nelson's checkermallow