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Pesticides and PARC

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Several programs within the Oregon Department of Agriculture receive information about environmental and pesticide impacts and concerns. These programs include ​Fertilizer and Pesticide programs. 

​When questions or concerns arise, it’s best to contact us as soon as possible. Many environmental and pesticide concerns are time-sensitive. If ODA staff are unable to gather samples and document conditions immediately, we may miss the opportunity. Providing as much detailed information as you can will help us provide a timely response, will assist us in conducting a thorough assessment, and allows us to coordinate with other appropriate agencies.​

You can contact us with a complaint in several ways, including:
  • Phone (Monday through Friday): 503-986-4635​
  • Email:
  • Notifying the Oregon Emergency Response System ​​(OERS); available 24-7
  • Calling 211 (for pesticide concerns); available 24-7​
To learn about what to expect when you file a complaint with ODA's Natural Resource Programs, see our informational sheet​. This document also is available in Spanish (¿Qué Esperar Cuando Se Presenta Una Queja?​).

​​​​Information about Pesticide complaints

The responsibility of the Pesticide Program is to investigate pesticide complaints, determine compliance with the Oregon Pesticide Control Act, and initiate any administrative actions deemed necessary. ODA does not assist in the pursuit of any damage reimbursement. 

ODA's goal is to respond to pesticide use complaints within 48 hours. If an investigation is initiated, it should be completed within 120 days. Submit a pesticide complaint form as soon after the incident as possible—or at a maximum within 30 days of the incident—when damage was first noticed. Complaints received after the 30-day period will be kept on file, but the department may not pursue action.

Return your completed Pesticide Incident Complaint Form​  by email, postal mail, or fax. The form also is available in Spanish (Formulario de Notificación de Incidentes de Pesticidas). For a copy of the investigatio​n file related to your complaint, please send a written request to: 

Oregon Department of Agriculture
635 Capitol St NE 
Salem OR 97301-2532​

Note: It is a violation of Oregon Revised Statutes Chapter 634.372(1) to initiate a false or misleading claim through any media, relating to the effect of pesticides or application method to be utilized. A person who files a false or misleading report may be subject to enforcement action, including civil penalties up to $10,000 per count.

Do you need to file a report of loss? 

Complete a Report of Alleged Loss Due to Pesticides Form to claim a loss from the use of a pesticide (including herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, rodenticides, defoliants, desiccants or plant growth regulators) by a commercial operator. The form also is available in Spanish (Formulario de Informe de Presunta Pérdida Debida a Pesticidas). 


What To Do If You Are Exposed to Pesticides information

Steps to take if exposed to pesticides

Pesticide marketplace inspection details

Pesticide marketplace inspection information

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​More information

Pesticide Analytical and Response Center 

Pesticide Investigators District Map​​


Toby Primbs
Program Manager
Phone: 503-986-4646
Program Manager
Fertilizer Program
Phone: 503-986-4637
