The Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) issues quality tags for seed lots that meet quality standards. Endophyte tags are issued for lots that meet tolerance standards for endophyte fungi as described in
OAR 603-056-0170. Seed lots meeting sod quality standards established in
OAR 603-056-0145 may be labeled as "Oregon Sod Quality Seed" using tags issued by the department.
Sod Quality Standard Harmonization in the Pacific Northwest
The ODA,
Oregon Seed Certification Service,
Washington State Department of Agriculture Seed Program and
Idaho Crop Improvement Association are working to update and harmonize sod quality standards within the Pacific Northwest.
A virtual meeting to discuss the harmonization of Sod Quality Tag standards between Idaho, Oregon, and Washington will be held
Tuesday, October 18th from 10-11 am. The Oregon Seed Association and ODA compared standards between the three state programs. OSA has recommended updates for consideration by Washington and Idaho seed industry stakeholders. At this meeting, we will discuss these proposed changes to the sod quality standards, process changes, and timelines for adopting the changes in each state.
Sod Quality Tags (Current Process & Standards)
- Must be free of ryegrass, orchardgrass, timothy, bentgrass, big bluegrass, poa trivialis, smooth bromegrass, reed canary grass, tall fescue, and clover. When the base sample is one of these kinds, the species will not be considered a contaminant (e.g. ryegrass in ryegrass).
- Certification fluorescence levels and appropriate calculation will be applied when determining levels of other crop.
- Maximum other varieties of Kentucky bluegrass allowed is 2%. Maximum allowed Canada bluegrass is 0.02%.
- A 500-seed count will be used to determine other species of Agrostis.
- Must be free of: dock, Rumex spp.; chickweed, Cerastium spp. or Stelloria media; crabgrass, Digitaria spp.; plantain, Plantago spp.; black medic, Medicago lupulina; annual bluegrass, Poa annua; velvetgrass, Holcus spp.; downy brome, Bromus tectorum, and other all-state noxious weed seeds, except Hawaii.
Endophyte Tags