Radio Frequency Identification Devices (RFID)/ Electronic Identification Devices (EID) are animal identification tags/devices that have a radio frequency or an electronic aspect to them, and can be read using an electronic RFID/EID reader.
There are several forms of RFID/EID tags available to producers to purchase, several of which count as official identification according to the United State Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal Disease Traceability (ADT) program for interstate movement of livestock.
Oregon livestock producers may order RFID/EID tags directly from tag manufactures. The fifteen-digit number should begin with 840 to ensure they count as official identification.
A Premises Identification Number (PIN) must be included on the order form that matches the farm/ranch's address. PINs may be obtained by completing the premises registration application and returning it to the Oregon Department of Agriculture. You can find more information about premises IDs on
ODA's Premises ID page.
A producer does not need a Premises Identification Number (PIN) if an accredited veterinarian applies RFID/EID ear tags.